A few truths

Most would agree with the statement “truth is relative”..It essentially means that we all have a perspective on what is “true” and as such we tend to see things from that view.  But even in the midst of all that perspective, facts do not change.  if something is what it is, then one needs to be able to accept that.  If A +B=C, then it doesn’t matter that you feel it should be something else…changing the facts will not make it so.  I’ve read some things about one who felt such guilt over how many crystals and stones are mined or found to the point of taking all they had and throwing them into the ocean or a lake(I forgot which), but the point is…why?  Did none of those stones call their name?  Were they not serving purpose when they “owned” them?  Then there is the person who feels too much guilt to eat meat..Seriously…do the plants they eat not feel anything?  All living things have energy..just ask a scientist…so I find it ridiculous that people will go over the edge and be extreme in their “truth”.  It’s the same with other things.  I read energies..know people…always has been that way.  Just because you lie to me, and I don’t happen to call you on it(I pick my battles)…it does not mean that I believe what you just said.  It just means I don’t think you are worth any of my time and energy to kick your ass…at the moment.  What it does mean though is that I will not believe another damn word that comes out of our mouth.  if you tell me the sky is blue, I will poke my head out and look before I believe that piece of truth from you.  Just because you spin it, fold it, twist it and resize it to suit yourself….the facts do NOT change…so if truth is really what you speak..make sure you use facts and back that up or it might be a bit messy when it all hits the fan.



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