
When one thinks of crossroads, a dirt road crossing out in the middle of Bum fuck Egypt comes to mind for a lot of people.  It has been said that many come to the crossroads looking for fame and fortune.  one of those legends was Robert Johnson, legendary bluesman from Mississippi, who it was told that went to the crossroads near Dockery Plantation(near Cleveland, Ms in the delta), and met up with a large black man(aka devil) who tuned his guitar and allowed him to make the music he was famous for.  I don’t know what kind of deal ol’ Robert made, or if he really did although he claims to have done so… but in his lifetime, his recordings sold poorly, and he had no fame until after his short life was ended and other now famous guitarists began crediting him with being innovative enough that they too learned from him.  He exchanged his soul it has been said to develop the kind of blues that others now add to their repertoire. Various paths have entities, deities that rule the crossroad…Hekate,Papa Legba are but a few that come to mind.  So why the crossroad?  Many of us at one time or another come to a divide..a crossing either in our physical lives or spiritually.  Physical can be as simple as deciding where to live, marry or not, children or no, change jobs, stay….Spiritual can almost have us awash in the ocean and all it can entail.  Crossroads mean we make changes and decisions we would not normally do..asking guidance for those we might not otherwise speak to directly..and yet…there comes time when we have reached a place in our walk that seems to have no fresh air to breathe , and we have searched through our usual bag of tricks and seem to come up short.  So we gather ourselves and make the journey that will bring definite change into our life.  It is there that changes abound, surprises are around the curve just ahead and yet that chaos that ensues is necessary for us to continue to grow.  Others make change sometimes for the sake of change, and that baffles me, because I usually have to be dragged kicking and screaming to make the change..and its not too different this time ~smiles~…I think the guides have done everything but smack me upside the head to accept the fact that I have become too complacent, too content where I am and that I stopped moving forward.  So…here’s to change, moving forward and a freshness to step and lightness of spirit…SLAINTE’



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