Don’t hold your breath

So today we’ve been talking about rules.  Well some people were, some of us were just laughing at the thought that there could actually be rules that exist.  In truth, unless one is involved within a setting of a group, then for the most of us, we make our own rules.  Coloring outside the box as extreme as society will let us without locking our collective asses up somewhere whether that be jail or the asylum.    There are those who proclaim loudly about following set rules such as “the wiccan rede”, which is lovely if one remembers that it is fictional poetry, or maybe the “law of 3” which is made up drivel to put it nicely. Some insist that there are set rules as if we are a cookie cutter type of pagan.  NO thanks, I’ll leave that to the secular worlds with their doctrine and dogma.  So do I follow rules?  sure..everyone does to a certain degree.  I have a personal set of ethics for myself, which are ones that I have cultivated and tweaked over the years.  Some of them are as follows:

I refuse to be a doormat.  Not for family, friends or people in general.  I have value, knowledge that has been learned, sometimes the hard way, and I refuse to let others usurp that place I have made for myself.

My path is just that…MINE.  I refuse to divulge everything about it to those who will either judge it or try to dissect it to see how it works. That is the beauty of being a solitary practitioner.  I work from guidelines of those past who taught me certain things and add in other things that relate to it very well.

I don’t usually give out spellwork.  First because unless I know you well, I will not truly know how much you understand about the ramifications of working.  So don’t ask.  I will bend this rule sometimes, but it has to be worth it.

Some work with the premise “harm none”…Strange concept to me since everything we do affects something else.  My only line in the sand if you will is “leave them breathing” when I work.  Fuck with me and mine..even that is open for debate.  ~shrugs~  just how I am.

Family is important to me..even those who want to act out, and play victim as if I had fuck all to do with how shit goes in their lives…I f I were that vindictive,breathing would be one of the gifts they’d be begging me for.

So does this mean that nobody is the same? Well give that man a cookie! We all have different experiences, different perspectives so even if we follow the same path, we will look at some things differently.  So how can one set of rules apply to everyone especially if one is expected to do so according to the letter of the law.  No leeway to express yourself or opinions.  Kind of makes us all stepford pagans huh?  That kind of spirituality is not for me.  It’s why I no long follow a more socially  accepted path.  I made no spiritual connection sitting on a pew listening to someone tell how I was to live my life in absolutes, black/white, and not question they whys of that.  I eventually got to the point that he universe just smacked me and yelled “SNAP OUT OF IT!” I blinked, looked around and carved out a new direction for me, living life with my rules.  So for those who wander around tossing out they whys and wherefores of all that is supposed to encompass a pagan path, if you expect this witch to do so….don’t hold your breath.






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