Dream of promise?

I’m traveling..on my own this time…. why am I here without being summoned?  I pull the small boat up near the steps and walk to the porch.  Maman Celeste opens the door…”Come on in Cher, you’ve journeyed long”.  I walk in to the small hut, smiling, for Maman looks like an exotic bird taken from the rainforest and set down into the swamp.  She wears a colorful dress, her cinnamon colored skin is perfumed by the herbs she works with.  Her black hair curls around her face…She looks timeless.   I am pleased to see her.  The flames from the  fire fill me with warmth,  chasing the chill from my bones.  The huge cauldron is bubbling as usual, herbs above the mantle give off their woodsy scent…   But something is missing….the dog..yeah, where is he?  Jacques is tracking says Maman…I don’t even want to know who or what..that hellhound makes me nervous with his deep knowing as he looks into ones eyes.  Maman gives me some of her special tea..it instantly revives me and I tell her I really need this recipe which makes her laugh.  You did well traveling alone she tells me.  Why did I do that, I wonder?  I usually only come when summoned when she needs to tell me things..why would I come alone on such a long journey.  Then I spy familiar eyes out her back window…George…He followed at a distance Maman tells me..it was your first time doing so and he wanted to make sure you were all right.  He will also follow you back…just to be sure.  I nod.  You did well George tells me, then settles down  for a nap so that Maman and I can talk..  “You have done well with your learning Cher”, she tells me.  Last time you were here you needed an answer, now you have them and have put them into action.  So why the need to travel I ask her?  Instead of direct answer, I get observations…You have become a master weaver of webs she tells me.  Iridescent and strong…it keeps out those who would come check you out.  There have been a few I admit.  Most of those were just curious about you..your energy is strong and your knowledge comes through when you speak.  I don’t know near enough I tell her.  But you’re still learning she tells me…nobody knows it all.  “Tell me where you feel most comfortable, Cher”, Maman asks…Well here of course, and  in the small glade with Brin and by  the water in the cemetery at Shiloh.  “HA”! she cackles.  “For an air sign sweet girl, you sure love the water and are connected to the earth.  Baron’s call was a strong one hmm?”  I laugh.  I guess.  I had never considered it until recently.  Maman Brigit was always the one who I connected with.  “She still guides you Cher, but now you have need for the balance from Baron Samedi”..”It is time to listen and work”.  I nod and absently rock in the old wooden rocker as I think.  I gaze out the window and catch sight of a snake making her way along the rim of the porch roof.  She is beautiful, blues, greens…George stands, and shakes his finger(finger on a spider?)…and shakes his head gently.  The snake bows her head to him and moves on her way.  She was just checking to make sure I was all right I tell George.  I know he tells me…your friends are allowed on the perimeter, but not in the sanctuary proper…You can see and smell them, sometimes hear them, but they will not be allowed all the way in.  I nod in understanding.  “You have some good friends”, Maman tells me…”they check on you, care what happens to you…without asking you to give”.  “different than it used to be…you are learning to gather wisely.”  Well, I wouldn’t exactly say I gathered them..they sort of took me in.  But it works in my learning, and balance.  They are amazing people.    “Sleep child”, Maman tells me,,”soon it will be time for you to return home”.  I close my eyes.  when I awake, I feel refreshed and content.  “I have something for you to take back with you”, she says, and places a small talisman in my hand.  I hug her goodby and thank her for listening to me.  “You are always welcome here Cher”, maman tells me…”this is your home as well”.  I get back in the boat, and this time George piles in behind me.  I raise my eyebrows in question, and he shrugs..”you know I am going, so why not”, he says.  Why not indeed.  I awoke this morning with a smile on my face and this dream spinning around my brain.  I have thought about it several times throughout the day, .  The talisman?  I awoke with a sigil drawn upon my right hand!  I copied it carefully onto a paper because I don’t know how long the on on my hand will stay.  I will not tell what that sigil represents, but suffice it to say that it holds a great deal of promise for me.



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