Ethics or something else?

There are many on pagan paths who will not practice witchcraft, and that’s fine for them I guess, but I feel that for many who came from another path, its more of a holdover from a christian perspective.  After all, their dogma says  witches are ‘evil”.  There are also those who only practice witchcraft without any spiritual path connected, and that works for them too.  My path incorporates both, because it reflects who I am.  But as in all things…there is always the debate on where to draw the line.  Do you hex?  or heal? Personally, I feel one has to be able to do both because its a balance.  As for those who subscribe to the “harm none”..I say I am pagan..doesn’t apply to me. My personal line in the sand says I have to leave them breathing(and even that is open to debate depending upon the situation).  I will protect what is mine at all times..”Don’t start none..won’t be none”…It’s a personal perspective for everyone.  I’ve seen people offer up spells to just anyone, and authors write books for the masses, and give no thought to those who might buy it, using them without knowing anything.  As for those who spout “harm none” does that fall within that frame?If one truly believed in that, would you not have some sort of ethics that made sure nobody was harmed?  In these times, its all about making paper…or prestige, or a lot of other ego boosting things, with no thought to how it may affect others.  I have real problems with that.  A lot of authors out there spew fluff..things so seriously silly that one with a little knowledge has to read more than once in disbelief, and yet those seeking have no idea that its garbage and takes it as truth.    I know that as humans, being the fallible things that we are, sometimes egos get in the way, and ethics get tossed by the wayside, but if one is following a spiritual path, then should not one try to incorporate that into the path?   Like the showing/teaching of various terms used interchangeably by wiccan/pagan alike such as the Merry meet, merry Part, and blessed be routine.  First…MM, MP..should only be extended to those in like paths.  It implies membership in ritual settings, covens in other words.  Blessed be is full five fold kiss..also done in a ritualistic setting…so to hear people throw those around because they assume  that is how its done or someone told them or showed them that is troubling.  The one who passed on” knowledge” did a disservice to others..”harmed” because they didn’t teach the truth.  So to see it done by those online is laughable certainly, since they did not go and seek truth, but its more than a little sad, because 1.  they didn’t seek truth, and 2. that they come off looking like fluff.  Or the calling of others  one meets(especially online) in pagan settings, i.e. social networks, chats, etc…”sis/sister”, Bro/brother”..Seriously?  First, let me get my personal rant out of the way…I am a solitary witch..that means I don’t have any affiliation with any type of coven setting..DO NOT give me any of the above mentioned greetings, and DO NOT EVER call me sis/sister.  We aren’t related, majority of ya’ll I have never met, do not speak with on a regular basis, and are not I have real issues with this.  With that being said, if you and your friends want to do this, who am I to say’s not like it’s hurting anyone just is a little more than pretentious is all,lol.  Are there people outside of a familial setting I consider to be family?  Yes..because when I needed them to be there..they were, expecting nothing in return. I hope to return that favor as they need it.  My own personal code of ethics..treat others with respect, to receive that in return and help as I can.  I take issue with those who hold things as some great mystery…ok, some paths have a long ass lineage..but in truth, things can be learned by the seeking out history from a great many sources , including teachers. Just don’t make it seem like fluff by wanting to charge others for what they could easily learn for themselves.  So if you truly want to walk a wiccan or pagan path, decide where your line in the sand is.  Learn where and how your path you want it to be spiritual for you, or just hit the witchcraft ..and there are those who practice it as a ritualistic form….but learn from ethical teachers…People who teach truth and history of things..not some ego trashed ignoramus who just wants to make a buck (or thousand three or four) and take advantage of those who don’t know any better.

Peace Out.

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