Hiding with a purpose?

Why do we hide from the world?  What is the purpose of that?  We wear a mask for this one, yet another for someone else.  Why do we do that?  Is it because we have been so ingrained with others perceptions that we are afraid to let the real “us” show through?  Do we believe all the lies that have been thrown at us so that we cannot allow ourselves the truth?  I still have moment of insecurity..yeah yeah, those who know me are like “really?” Yes..really. I keep it well hidden because its one of those control issue things.  Ya’ll know how it is with me.  I know others who want to do the same.  Revealing their warmth, their compassion for others can be construed as weakness.  I wonder if its the same for them..that we choose to keep things hidden out of fear, that if we allow others to see our truth that we somehow let them have power over us.  I know that it isnt true of course..people only have as much power as I choose to allow them, so why then the feeling that I need to hide things?  Maybe its a holdover from that scared child who managed to survive the abuse, or maybe its the rattling of old skeletons that cause me to pull back..I don’t really know for sure.  what I do know is that I am working on letting all that go.  Walking with my head held high, becoming who I am meant to be, and if others don’t like it, then so what?  It’s not like they live my life or anything.  Truthfully, some days when manic man is having issues, or I am stressed about what bill gets paid..I would be willing to let them do just that…but just as I am about to..I pull back because of that damn need to be in control.all.the. time…So..how to let go? I wish I knew all those answers.  I do know that as I meditate and find myself spiritually, it seems to help..the letting go of fear…As I speak with my guides and I immerse myself in study with others, I am not as fearful as I once was.  Not sure I will ever conquer all of it, but for now I am content to take small steps at letting go, and that is how life’s journey begins…putting one foot in front of another.



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