Remembering the fallen

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of one of the worst tragedies our country has ever experienced outside of war.  We all sat stunned in front of television sets, listened to radios, talked in whispers as we watched landmarks crumble in front of us, taking lives, shattering innocence, and reminding us that we are not invincible.  I was home that day, and sat like others, holding my oldest grandson, who was almost 2, in my lap needing his sweet innocence to balance out the destruction I saw being played out in real time in front of me.  Do you remember where you were? What you were doing?  It happens like that with tragedies, especially ones on a grand scale.  Who could have imagined that this great nation of ours would be sucker punched and left gasping for breath?  Not since WW II have we even considered that could be a possibility.  So we picked up the pieces, and got on with our lives, and yet as the anniversary of that infamous date rolls around..what did we learn?  Is anything we have done in the last 10 years done anything to strengthen us as a country, pulled us together, united us as a people, or honored those that lost their lives in a real way?  Sadly, I have to say that while there may be small glimmers of a nugget, as a whole the answer would be “NO”.  Families were devastated by loss, our country was set back on its heels with shock and dismay, and yet in the years since, we have arrogantly invaded other countries(Iraq had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11..just FYI)…and still treat each other with contempt if they don’t agree with our definition of societal norms.  So how would one give honor and respect or those who lost their lives? After reading the stories of those children who lost parents that day, I would say it is living well..being the person that parent hoped they would become.  That legacy speaks volumes.  Live life to the fullest, don’t let fear hold you back..don’t take those who love you for granted, because they may not be there later when you turn around to look.  We can make excuses for not doing so, but I’m sure that given the things that happened in this country, like the bombing of the Murray building in OKC, and 9/11, and the wars fought by so many brave men and women, those excuses would come up short and sound more than a little lame.  So this weekend, when one stops for a brief moment to say a silent prayer for those lost, those left behind to pick up the pieces, and those still on the front lines fighting for our rights to do so, resolve to reach out and live life…smell the roses, experience all it has to offer.  Don’t let fear sideline you and keep you from being all that you are destined to be.  Tell those you love, those you admire that you do so..don’t just assume that they know it.  Become a legacy of human compassion for your fellow man…start a new trend….be better than society claims you have to be.  And learn to love yourself when you come up short.  That for me is the ultimate remembrance.



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