Snarky Observations? Perhaps, but it’s what I do best

I’m perusing the feeds on Facebook today since although I am off and should have slept in, I am awake.  Reason?  The Princess feels that I am to spend time with her and see her off for her day when I am home…and I enjoy our time together, so I get up.  Sometimes I go back to bed for a bit, but  today, I settled in with a cup of coffee and some reading of status’s from others.  Some make me chuckle at their humor, others make me read further into links posted, still others make me shake my head at the lack of common sense.  For instance, one status that combines both a link and lack of common sense is from someone who posted  link from natural news on the revamping of the definition of rape by the FBI.

It basically says:”Rape” is:…penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”  Effective next year.  Yet the link goes off on a rant on the TSA and why nobody from NOW is going off on the invasive rape of those choosing to fly.  Apparently the author had a bad experience, and has decided that such screenings made up from the horror of 9/11 constitutes rape.  I’m guessing they forgot the words “without consent of the victim”…When one chooses to fly, they also accept the rules and regulations of said screenings as the norm at being able to do so before boarding a plane.  I know its flawed, most systems are.  But after watching planes go down, and destroy lives and security of this country, it’s more of a “better safe than sorry” kind of thing.  A little common sense and a balanced view of what rape is and isn’t would be more prudent for this author IMHO.  Rape isn’t about sex, but about power and control, and satisfying perverse desires.  Not people being overly ambitious in how they do their jobs before they allow one to get on a freaking plane.


Now on to the next one….someone posted about  not being able to join a church because their spouse had been married previously.  Now according to many churches dogma , one is considered to be committing ADULTERY if one marries, divorces, remarries.  So the church won’t allow  people to join their rolls claiming to be a member, yet one is free to come and worship and give your money(especially that).    Now I know they have their rules, after all that is one of their main tenets..rules and laws that one must follow..all man made of course because as I understand it(and I could be wrong cause what the fuck do I know from following such a path for years only to walk away and make one for myself?)..apparently the only charge put forth by Jesus…the head honcho as it were, for those calling themselves by his name…is that LOVE is the be all end all of what one is to use as a yardstick.  Now I am no expert by any means, but it seems to me that a great many , sitting on judgmental rules committees of said churches seem to be cutting off their nose to spite their face.  Nobody is perfect, and some who marry early do not even get the concept of what true love really is, so its common for it to play out as one ages.  And truly, who has the right to say they can’t claim a label when we all are far from perfection?  And what of those who want to join said church?  WHY? What about it would add anything to your walk with god?  To be able to lay claim that you are a (insert denomination here)gets you where exactly?  For me labels are divisive more than inclusive and tend to give some feelings of superiority that they are correct in their narrow-minded beliefs that theirs is the only way to achieve salvation/ascension.  Too constraining for me, which is why I can no longer walk that path, but do respect those who find it suits them.  I am just not a fan of rules man sets down and yet uses those same rules to exclude those who would be an asset to their community.  So for those who feel the need to set themselves up to join those exclusive little cliques…be sure its what you need in life..not just conforming to the status quo.  God finds you where you are no matter the path you are on or the one(s) you deal with on a daily basis.  It’s about being true to who you are and learning to love what is within.  Not what others demand you to be.


I’m often amused, aggravated, bewildered, but always entertained by the status left in the feeds.  Which is appropriate I guess since it is social networking after all.



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