
Source..sometimes when I hear the word in reference to someone’s path it makes me chuckle because I am reminded of the show Charmed where they speak of “the source” in reference to the beginning of all that is evil that they fought with ..control of the demons.  Yeah I know, its Hollyweird, but even they can take glimmers of what is and make it entertaining.  So it got me thinking about how other feel about the source of their paths.  In the pagan world that can be many things..can be heritage, education, UPG(unverified personal gnosis), others choose doctrine or dogma to validate their faith in source.  Some even pull in race.  Are these all valid?  Depends on whom ones asks I guess.  It works for them so would appear so.  I guess the only one that I have trouble wrapping my head around is race being one of the major components of ones faith.  I know that in some practices of voudo, it plays a big part.  I know that  many Haitians feel this, but there’s is not the only voudo practiced, and I have yet to see a Loa who chose someone say..”nope, sorry you aren’t black enough” .  Maybe its a knee jerk reaction on my part about the race thing.  Living in the south I have been exposed to all sorts of hatred on both sides.  I remember when my dad was in Korea, and we lived here in Mississippi and the courts decreed “desegregation works”…All the adults seemed to have lost their minds.  In a military world, living on bases, the kids played with one another, made friends across racial lines, so to sit in a small town in Ms and experience this was extremely scary.  I was only 9 at the time and remember that things got ugly.  My aunt came to get us out  of school, and I went to find my then 5 yr old sister and get her off the bus.  Not 10 minutes later, I saw that same bus being rocked by crazed adults with children inside! Never mind that they were black..they were children. I could not believe that adults would act in such a manner, it had not been part of my life until then, and other than my own personal experience had not seen adults perpetuate violence on others children just because of skin color.  I knew then as now that race is irrelevant because we are ONE race..HUMAN.  I remember going up the hill to my Gran’s house and talking it over with her,  She fixed me lunch and we spoke of how mean humans can be to one another when they feel their status quo is being threatened.  I think she did more to calm me and explain things than anyone I encountered that day.  Schools got closed indefinitely, so I was out for about 6 weeks until my dad got home and we left for Oklahoma…Back to the “normalcy” of military life.  But it made me look at things differently, coloring my perception of the world.  So I guess that explains somewhat how I feel when one stands and in their arrogance decrees that one cannot practice a certain faith because they either weren’t born into it or of a certain race.  It to me is similar to the crazed adults of my childhood..elitist, arrogant , prejudicial and racist.  It’s a way to jealously guard their “territory”.  But god reaches matter what path you encounter him on right?  I’ve always been instructed that is how it works.  We all have history,, heritage and we come from things differently, but to try and limit the gods….that is act of futility.  For when one tries to do so, they will show you just how human you are and bring you to your knees..  lesson learned.



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