Train Wreck

A lot of conversation has been around lately about train wrecks…not the type that one would think of with twisted metal, mangled parts, but similar in fashion because it concerns mangled lives, depressed people, ..I know we all have our moments of down time, and its unavoidable at times as we travel the road of life.   But sometimes it is hard to climb out of the abyss without help. The ones that drive me mad are usually posted across social media for all to see..sort of like…”Look!  I’m depressed…come stroke my ego so I feel special”…Maybe that was not their intent..maybe they just needed to vent..and gods knows that I have been known to do that as well, especially about my job.  To my friends that I’ve whined to lately about manic man and other apologies for allowing myself to be pulled that low but thanks for listening…I’ve unfriended more people for their depressing status than I care to admit…it gets old reading it every day.  And its not just the social media, its the people in our every day lives. The ones who are so miserable in their existence that they try and make you feel as bad as they do.  “They” say misery loves company and I guess that is true to some degree, but I don’t think “they” are playing with a full deck to start with.  While I can certainly empathize with someone’s misfortunes, or personal angst, I will NOT lower myself into that hole with them.  I have no clue what makes those type of people tick–the ones who feel they have to let the world know every nuance about their miserable existence.  Maybe it’s me..I like to keep my life pretty close to the vest..I hate telling people things about me..and while there are friends who do know some details, it’s not something we speak of on a daily basis.    Maybe it’s a holdover from abusive childhood, maybe something I cultivated for protection..I don’t know.  So while I try and not take a “holier-than-thou” stance on this, it’s difficult when it’s always in my face.  It’s not really my place to tell people how they should live their life. If they are content with the being cast in the role of the down-trodden and bogged down in the mire of petulant caviling , then who am I to say they can’t.  So what to do with all those status that bother me?  Stop reading them for one,lol…or unfriend more of those that seem to have nothing better to do than to pull others into their drama…So while I kvetch about such train wrecks, and shamefully apologize for mine to friends…I’m just going to move on past them without even slowing down to roll down the window to rubberneck at the carnage laying by the wayside…It’s not pretty, nor does it add anything useful to my life which has enough issues thank you very much…




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