
We’ve all seen the causes button posted by people or invited to them on the social medias.  We’ve had experience somewhere with people panhandling for some group or charity in order to get more money in the hopes of furthering their good deeds.  So how do you feel about them?  For myself, I am not a big fan of causes..although to be fair, most of them are worthy causes..prevention of abuse of any kind, be it children, domestic violence, animal cruelty…cancer research etc.  I don’t mind helping out sometimes.  I just don’t like being made to feel that it is expected of me because I either , have kids, know someone with cancer, have pets, am pagan, etc.   I’ve seen some who have causes for wiccan/pagan people to unite under one banner.  Now I am wondering just how people under an umbrella term can come to a meeting of like-minded people to agree on anything.  I mean it would be like the Southern Baptist convention and the Roman Catholic Church being lumped together.  I mean, they both proclaim christianity, and yet have a great many differences in their dogma.  I often think they have it a little easier than those of us on pagan paths, because they have rules and a book to direct their calling, whereas, those of us coloring outside the lines make our own rules, and have no books to tell us what to believe…unless you could the plethora of books lining the shelves about occult, wicca, and the like in many major bookstores and online.  But not all of them are the same caliber of knowledge and some are just pure fantasy and make believe, making their authors money off the unsuspecting seeker.  So then how can one expect us all to come to some general consensus? Well, we do have some similarities, so that helps in that we don’t believe as those in the Abrahamic faiths believe…although I have seen some try to incorporate chrisitanity into wicca(smh)…Yet there are causes put out there by some who demand we all come together to stop the persecution of pagan/wiccans..Really?  I live in a small southern town and have yet to be accosted…now that isn’t to say that some might not have had some words flung their way..it happens..to everyone about everything if you want to know the truth.  They demand people be allowed to marry as they choose…I can agree to that, already posted on it before…But why try and drag people into a “cause” of which there isn’t much substance?  You really want a cause?  Why not start a cause on what it really means to be a human being?  To treat others with respect and compassion as you want to be treated(yeah those with books to lead them recognize this..but do they all follow it or just give it lip service?).  Why not become an advocate for those who have no voice? People discarded by society such as the homeless, those with communicable illnesses, addicts, abuse victims.  We stand and yell on the corner when things don’t go our way, at some perceived notion of persecution in the name of whatever faith you are espousing today, and yet do not a damn thing to lift your finger let alone voice for those who are not able to communicate their need to someone who would listen.  Go ahead if you want with your misspelled definitions about why you need a cause if it makes you feel better, but I for one, am not going there.  i think life is too short to act like an asshat when so many others could use the help.  So if it’s all the same to you, I’m going about my business of being a responsible  human being, helping as I can and trying not to show my ignorance in my walk.  you could do that too..we could actually have unity in that…wouldn’t it be nice if the rest of the world took notice and did the same.

Peace Out.

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