What are we teaching the next generation?

I have often been left shaking my head at how kids act and behave when out in public and out of sight of their parents sometimes.  Friday night , Brae and I were at the high school football game.  I live in small southern town, so prayer is a given before the start of every event..Usually given by a student representative, sometimes not, but I have never heard anyone object.  While christianity is not my path, I stand quietly and in respect of those around me.. So with heads bowed, Brae and I stand still until the prayer is given.  A group of young people on the ground below us are laughing and cutting up during this time, until one of their friends shushes them, and they lower the level of their merriment.  Then comes the playing of the national anthem.  Now I grew up in military home, so that for me…is almost religious in the respect its given…One stands still, places hand over heart and salutes the flag.  I show Brae how to do just that and she does it as do the people around us…all EXCEPT this same group of young people.  They laugh, shove one another all during the song..making me want to yell at them…”wtf is wrong with you”? “Did your parents NOT teach you any respect for those who died giving you the right to act as if you were dropped on your head”? “do you not have respect for yourselves or the people around you?” My five year old had enough courtesy to stand still even if she had no idea what the reasoning was for it.  It got me to thinking…did their parents not teach them about respect, patriotism?  I know that a lot of what passes for history taught today is not the same as I learned…and yet they have seen their share of things that this country has been through.  Wars on several fronts, attacks upon this country…and yet they can’t take the time to stand quietly during the playing of a simple song that holds so much meaning for a lot of people.  I know its hard to sing, difficult to play, and seems archaic…but the meaning that it symbolizes to those who have a connection to those who fought and died for this country, runs deep.  Many of us grew up hearing it played at every military function, as well as other military staples, and were taught that the flag is one of the most important symbols of our country because it is the first thing raised in every military post including those far away places in battle even if it may be there only temporarily.  I’m trying to do my part in showing my little people the need for respect , but it’s damned difficult when others seem to refuse to do the same.  If one cannot show respect for the flag of your country, for others saying a prayer,then how can one possibly expect them to be respectful for other human beings?



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