You know sometimes I just have to shake my head at some people.  they go from group to group demanding help, but the first time one gives a viable answer they run off in a huff because it wasn’t “magical” enough.  Such is the case of one young woman.  She claimed to awaken with blue under her fingernails several nights a week, and had no idea where it came from.  It was suggested that perhaps she was sleepwalking or perhaps trying to clean her nails, and was in fact using a pen or something.  Reasonable responses in fact.  Oh no, that wasn’t doing it for her.  She had to be involved in some otherworldly endeavor and we were just being obtuse.  She apparently is a “real” witch(whatever in the fuck that means) and transports herself to other places.  Ok, astral projection I understand, Otherworld I am more than a little familiar with.  Witch I know I am..but seriously? Why would one not rule out something here in the physical before going off on a tangent with people who know their shit and refuse to listen to them?  This is exactly why so many pagans are considered fluff.  Too often they have read one too many cotton candy books that are all “love and light”, so they tend to look for things that are not there.  Noise in the dark?  spirits speaking.  Letter in the mail from unheard of relative.  Omen.  Fired from job?  Someone hexed them.  Seriously people.  Look for the mundane in your life before trying to add “magic”.  We live in the physical..perhaps some of what you are doing here on this plane is affecting other areas in your life.  I know, it’s not anywhere near as fun or exciting to think spirits might be trying to contact some fluff who has no clue how to have a discourse with them, or that finding a penny heads up will bring you luck or some such shit.  Don’t even get me started on those who think it’s unethical to charge for services..or as one told a friend “inethical”..Yeah, if you’re going for words out of reach of your vocabulary..use a dictionary.Sometimes one just gifts to others..it’s who we are.  Other times we charge for our services and products.  Nothing wrong with that.  But to try and convince others that our way of doing things  is perfectly fine is harder than trying to hitch a mosquito to a wagon pulling watermelons(yeah I know its weird imagery…go with me on this).  They just do not want to listen.  The reality is that to them it all has to do with the magic(k)–pretentious with the “k”, but I digress….  Even when its happening in the here and now there MUST be a magical reason for it.  And of course THEIR way is the correct way.  Get a grip people.  It is what it is and not everything is about you or about some unexplained magical thing.  Check your reality meter..It is obviously on the fritz…but then, maybe I hexed it 🙂




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