Bone tired

Ever have one of those days when it seems that you are beyond tired?  It’s an ache that goes beyond the surface of just having worked hard.  This is one of those days.  I came home from working and could feel the chill all the way to my bones.  No amount of hot water, tea or soup made me feel any better or warmer.  It’s like I am deep within the confines of a crypt dancing with the ghede and cannot for the life of me feel like I am in the land of the living.  So after the shower, tea and soup, I crawl into bed with more cove than I care to have and close my eyes.  I drift off and soon find myself sitting at a table speaking with baron himself.  “Jebus,” I chuckle to myself ruefully.  “Can this day get ANY more tiring?””Drink this”, he says sliding a glass in front of me.  After having drank with him on more than one occasion, I cock my eyebrow at him as if to say “yeah right”.  Baron laughs.  “I am only trying to help you Cher”, he says.  “You have been working hard and it’s been taking a lot out of you lately”.  I nod and pick up the glass. Sighing, I begin to drink.  Oh bliss! Sweet cinnamon, chocolate laced rum…Damn!  this is NOT his usual.  Surprised, I look at him.  He nods,” I got the recipe from Maman”, he winks.  I feel the warmth begin to envelop me.  “Maybe I should have gone there”, I said.  “But this is damn good”.  “I’m glad you like it”, he said.  “I did tell you I was going to stay close this time while we work.” Shit!  I had almost forgotten that little tidbit.  I roll my eyes, shake my head.  “So you did”.  “Finish the drink and go to sleep, Cher.  You need the rest”.  I think I am going to have to find all these ingredients and make some in the mundane I think.  I drift deeper into a rest that heals.  I awake feeling warmer, less tired and nowhere near that pain jarring cold that makes me want to curl up in a ball somewhere.  I forget sometimes that those I work with do care if I am able to stand to do the work required.  à votre santé



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