I’m not who I thought I am?

I have had an unplugged day today…no phone to tweet with, didn’t hit FB til late this evening…it was good for me since I have been doing some introspection while I worked.  It kept me zoned out, thinking and reflecting on some recent comments directed at me and why they hurt my feelings, and why I allowed them that power.  It’s about a couple of conversations lately..one online, one off, and yet they were similar.  I have a lot of people on my friend list..many for the apps I play, but it’s now culled to a manageable state filled with those from various paths.  I added a new one, and was speaking in a conversation about them to another friend online.  The response from said friend?  “I think I will follow suit because you added them and you don’t like people”.  WTF? Really?  WHAT do I say or do that says I don’t like people?  I am sarcastic, true…snark quite a bit, but in truth, I’m not anti-social , in my opinion.  So what do I do?  Say nothing as is my wont, and decide to have an early night.  In truth, my feelings were hurt because I thought she knew me better..guess not.  So I get to work and mention this in a conversation with someone who has known me for several years…we’re friends…I think so anyways.  What does she say?  “You like people, you just wait for them to piss you off so you can kick them”…yeah fuck you too was my response.  Put on the headset and say nothing further , but the mind has been reeling, thinking, sorting and turning things over all day.  What the hell kind of person am I really? Why do two separate friends have similar opinions, even if they tried to pass it off as a joke?  I look in the mirror.  It’s the face I’ve always seen..nothing out of the ordinary.  WHAT is going on that is giving this perception?  Too much snark?  Sarcasm and self-deprecation have been my safety valves for so long, that I feel naked without them.  The way I viewed the conversations was that I am totally anti-social and basically not a real friendly person.  Wow…that smarts..maybe it wasn’t their intent.  maybe it’s because this week has me in an emotional spin, am not thinking clearly enough to understand my reaction to things//IDK/  I may be reacting badly to just some casual observances.   A dear friend once told me that sometimes people disappoint us in that they are not always who we believe them to be, but even in that failing, they are true to themselves as we should be.   He’s right of course(he usually was).  I’ll keep tweaking things on my end..maybe they are right..maybe they aren’t.  I just have to walk true according to what feels right to me.  And maybe make more unplugged days with no distractions from others a regular thing.

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