Lessons from the dreamlife

Dreams have been used since the dawn of time to teach lessons, to give insight into situations, to guide the dreamer into the direction they must travel.  Some see them as things to be feared.  Nightmares haunt some.  But if one dissects them and checks the symbolism located there, you will find that it’s not all as you believed it to be, but truth that is trying to be conveyed on certain subjects.  Dreams have even been spoken about in the holiest of books in some faith, the Bible, the Torah, the Koran.  They were used for teaching, foretelling of things to come.  And if we use ours that way, they too can teach us a great many things.

I know that people have to wonder sometimes when they read my blogs about dreams.  They are filled with imagery that doesn’t fit into the mundane nor do the animals/people/otherkin  seemingly exist  outside of otherworld to others.  It reads like some odd sci fi book to some.  They don’t understand them and I get asked quite often  if I am mad.  Nope.  I consider myself to be quite sane, almost analytic to a fault sometimes in my read on the here and now.  I consider madness in the mundane to be something akin to spending more than you have for appearance sake, tossing those who love you and helped you all your life because of some assinine jackal who has no concept of what that means.  Those are mad actions because why would a sane person do that?  Madness is the repetitive behavior of constantly running on that wheel chasing physical, material things that never seem to fill the void you feel within.  My dreams make perfect sense to me.  They take me to places of sanctuary more often than not because the mundane I am in currently is filled with drama, stress and physical ailments, while in the otherworld, I am soothed, spoken to as an equal, chided lovingly and taught a great many things that are helpful when I am pulled back into this corporeal existence.  Sometimes the dreams themselves are lessons to make me think about how I look at a situation or a solution as to how I can change it.  Who doesn’t need that?  Dreams are not always meant to be concrete and tidy…sometimes they are open ended much like life.  Things change from minute to minute and the solution can change with it.  I get asked sometimes how I come to find myself speaking with giant technicolored spiders, swamp witches, Ghede, and shape shifting dragons..simple answer is I am not often sure myself.  But they are as tangible to me as the keys I touch as I write.  The love and laughter shared there are often a relief to the stress and tears I shed  when faced with situations in a more physical realm.  Although to be honest, for me the otherworld is just as a physical reality as that in which I find myself at the moment.   I write out the things I encounter because they give me a way to record details, to be able to go back and read again and remember conversations and pull out the gems I find there that help me.  Does it make me crazy?  I guess it depends on who’s definition we’re going with.  Some might find them absurd, and I might give them that because I have to say the first time I met George, I wondered to myself if I was losing my marbles as well.  But he exists, and has found his way into interacting with others I know which could be a mass hypnosis kind of thing I guess, if one  was to ask those learned professionals with the white coats.  But we care less about what they think.  They went to school to push meds and tell people they’re mentally unstable.  It’s what they do.  I and others like me recognize the fine line between dream state and madness  Sometimes walking that edge above the abyss can be tricky.  but it’s also necessary for our well being.  It’s part of who we are and gives us a better insight as to how to react to the stupidity of those in life we live.  So go ahead and think I’m a little off kilter if you like.  I like myself this way.  After all, Alice herself would not have learned so much herself is she hadn’t been curious enough to chase the rabbit down a hole.  Ya’ll might want to try a little of that yourself.  Going through the mirror is easy enough process.  It’s the application of the lessons that takes work.  Dream On


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