Lockstep pagans?

So you ever get tired of the endless questions, conversations of how all pagans, Wiccans, Heathen are alike, all are witches, and from an “ancient” faith?  I roll my eyes and want to cut out of them as soon as they start, but I have witty friends and sometimes I hang around  just to watch them try and explain for perhaps the millionth time that unless one is following a specific path with set rules and guideline, that particular path isnt any more ancient than say the 1950’s(or yesterday).    There are no ancient tomes upon which to base one’s path on, unlike other more secular faiths.  There are a plethora of authors who have written things, and while some are knowledgeable in their works, the majority would fall under UPG(Unverified Personal Gnosis–personal experience or opinion).  So unless one is in a group with set rules made up by said group…we are definitely NOT all alike, nor are we all witches.  I shake my head at those fluff who claim that it’s all about love and light.  Really.  Is the world not balanced?  Is that “balance” you speak of in the universe depicted by the yin/yang, male/female , dark/light form of balance?  Then explain how in hades everything is one form?  To have all light without shadow is out of sync..out of balance and harmony.  Take a look at nature and see the shadow on the path as you walk in the sunlight.  I’m trying to make this as simple as I can because obviously some out there are not getting the concept.  And don’t look down your nose at those who want to toss in some chaos in their path.  Even nature destroys things in order to create.  I just want people to take some time and stop lumping everyone into the same mold.  We don’t fit!  It’s the reason why some of us don’t walk a secular path anymore, why we are the square pegs in the round holes. It’s why we often color outside the lines or take roads that very few are willing to travel.  It’s why there are those who put themselves out there trying to educate others.  Don’t quibble over labels that some feel the need to slap over themselves.  Most are just pretentious titles that aren’t worth the paper they print them on.  If you don’t have the education to go with that title, then drop it.  It just makes you look stupid, and believe me when I say that others can see that. I hear from some that they don’t get the dreams I sometimes write about based upon my path.  My response is “AND”? I write them down so that I have a place to go back and revisit some of the things I was told by those who guide me.  The blog is just a personal outlet to let off steam.  It’s not meant to educate everyone.  If you find something that helps..great..if not..kick rocks and move along.  Not everyone practices the same nor do we all have the same deities/entities in our lives as we walk these paths.   We aren’t stepford pagans, walking in lockstep with one another.  Believe me when I say that there are some I would not cross the street to have a conversation with because of fear of being inundated by a fluff ball between the eyes.  Yeah, I know it’s pretty judgmental of me, but seriously if you listened to them for yourself, You’d probably want brain bleach yourself.   It’s scary sometimes how simplistic and innocent  views are brought by some people come into this path.  It’s like one can simply say “I’m am(insert current path here) and be done with it.  Believing everything others tell them.  It’s how they get hurt…badly.  So what do I advocate?  EDUCATION.  Learn from those who have been on the path for some time.  Read authors that give you a historical insight into how things began and how its evolved.  Try things for yourself.  Experience is a damned good teacher.  Even if you “fail” you have learned a lesson.  Stop trying to be the same as someone else.  It’s nice to have an idol you want to emulate, but try to watch how they learn and use that instead of trying the “twin” routine.  Learn something new every day.  It keeps the brain active and one never knows what can be applied to the path you have chosen.  Stop thinking we are all the same.  Just as you have your own personal view of the world, so does everyone else.  We all come at things from our own perspective, so things will not all be the same..even in a coven setting.  One can have the same rules, learn the same things and still have a different view…That is the beauty of being you.  Enjoy and embrace that.



2 thoughts on “Lockstep pagans?”

  1. Sounds an awful lot like – Take some responsibility for who you are – Don’t believe everything you are told [ie be careful who & what you invest your power/energy in] – ‘Freedom’ isn’t free, there are responsibilities and a price to pay. We are free to choose our paths, but are responsible for how our choices affect others and to pay the tolls required for the paths we travel [corollary, be careful which bridges you burn, means you cant go back & start over] ie you get to choose the path, don’t get to choose whats on it…..
    I like the term ‘fluff’ – we used to call them ‘airheads’ lol. Prolly a human trait – a leftover from feudal/tribal times when not going along with the boss could get you killed. Be Well, Christi B

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