
I sit here in the shadows, waiting, watching.  The tree behind my back provides a place to lean, its energy filling me with strength and calm.  It’s branches stretch out its leafy frond providing a semi umbrella from the rain.  Its a slow steady rain..the kind that soothes the spirit and renews the earth, and hides the tears.  I came here to be alone, to let out some of the emotions gathered that are so bottled inside me that if they aren’t provided the release, things can get ugly pretty quickly.  I haven’t isolated myself, just moved a little distance away, keeping watch and waiting and yet still try and come to terms with the things going on right now.  As I look right, I smell the scorched earth..it too will be renewed in time, I have no time to waste on the whys of that…it will be taken care of. As I look to the left, I see a small light, that glows in the darkness…It is that light that gives me hope because it still exists.  It is to that light I strain to see if there are occupants…too far, I cannot. So I sit.  I watch and wait, feeling uneasy that some would intervene before its time and the light is extinguished.  I continue to let the rain wash over me…feeling the discontent .  I am usually a patient person by nature..content to watch and wait..it’s how I learn and observe..but this time…I so much want to step in and right the things that are wrong, that shift the balance for me.  So I sit.  Feeling the rain as it falls and mingles with tears of frustration at my limitations.  I’m human.  I can only do so much on this plane and to work on any other requires the agreement of others…..so I wait.  I let the tears fall because they are also healing.  they are overflowing from my soul and are filled with regrets and pain that I cannot speak about openly.  The flow, mingling with the rain on my face.  I feel the wind pick up and it lifts my hair as it does, almost as if in a caress .  A small half smile plays about my lips and I feel that energy flow into and around me, reminding me that for all the melancholy, I am not alone in this.  So….I watch. Looking, seeking ANY sign that the light in the distance grows brighter and nearer. So I sit.  wait, and watch.  The rain falls still mingling with cleansing tears.  I will tarry here for as long as it takes.



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