You know this past weekend has been a major blur of accusations, plagiarism, and impersonations as well as lies and theft.  Wow..what a lot of bullshit huh? We have people lying by omission by not crediting authors’s works and posting them as their own, lifting whole posts from psychology reports for a class, trying to impersonate people to gain access to their personal space through others.  Where in the hell are the ethics of these people?  Did their mothers not teach them that one simply does not take what is not theirs?  Seriously how hard is it to give credit for something they share?  Instead they continue to go along as if they simply did nothing wrong, in their desire to “share” with others.  The others of that same group seem to feel that they too having kicked the person out and removed or given proper credit, and it should just die down.  Really.  Calling others who pointed out the problem liars, trouble makers, swearing at them and claiming “it’s on the net so no harm no foul” then banning the ones who came to speak out is ethical as well I suppose? and the rhetoric continues with the thumping of chests, and a “let’s see who is the better witch” kind of thing…WANDS AT 10 PACES!!! Umm..people, this isn’t Harry fucking Potter…and while there can be things done to kick others asses, might want to check that ego and see who you are fucking with before opening the mouth.  Sometimes it’s just better to accede defeat and do the right thing without spewing all the rhetorical bullshit.
I’m a control freak(ya’ll already know that), and rarely post workings or spellwork anymore due to having been involved with a group previously that fell apart and absconded with my writings.  But this blog is my baby, to write out emotional storms, dreams , rants and other various musings, so it kind of made me do a double take when someone tried to gain access to it.  The person knew just enough to contact someone to try for a password, but it failed of course because when one has layers of protection…they work.  Amazingly the timing was in the middle of myself and others speaking up for another author, and I don’t believe in coincidences.  So for that person reading this(and I know you will)…pay attention because I will only say this once.  I am not one of those love and light people who believe in the glittery fluff and rainbows.  I love walking in the shadows and speaking with whom I find there.  The blog has lojack. Yeah, that’s a  techy term for the little something that will cause your day to come unwound.  See?  Yhat is my personal  set of ethics.  Fuck with what belongs to me and things get a little stormy and your wheels will fall off that wagon of asscricketry you reside in.  So I hope this attempt was worth it, because what you have coming is probably not what you were hoping to gain.

I don’t understand why people feel the need to judge others based upon what they think they know or want to make themselves appear to be something they are not.  Labels and semantics aside, how people work, what they believe is mostly UPG.  We can all claim well, I follow such and such trad, but in the end, it comes down to your personal belief.  Even in strict traditions taught by people who have set beliefs, there will still be those on the fringe who offer things for a price even knowing that its all a fake.   It boggles my mind how wide spread this is actually. I hadn’t really paid much attention until lately, but have called others out for copy/paste in certain groups asking for source, or posting the link to source in the comment section in the past.  having had blogs lifted myself-for whatever reason I have no clue since I write nothing of importance really-I pay more attention now. It would be a nicer world if people all had a set code of morals and ethics I guess, but life isn’t like that is it? Kind of makes me yearn for a simpler time when people were true to their word and those who offered words, art etc to the universe were applauded and acknowledged.  Instead as time has moved on, it’s become more expedient to just pass off others belongings as your own and gain the rewards for yourself.  I don’t have an easy solution other than for those who write, to keep on speaking out, show your face to the world and add a lojack to the works just as an added protection…couldn’t hurt(well not us anyways), and for those who want to take the easy way out and take what doesnt belong to you or to excuse those who do, well…guess you will in the end get what you asked for in a manner of speaking…Hope you can live with that cause I won’t lose any sleep myself 🙂

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