Last year ended on such a beyond suck ass note. I went into full spiral, couldn’t or wouldn’t reach out to those who love me and I lost my brother’s ring. I’ve had that since he passed in 2003 and it was all I had left of our connection. Omg does that still hurt. It has me questioning the universe(among screaming with the tears), demanding answers from guides and ancestors. Jebus I was a freaking mess. I reached out for medical help(no I’m not planning on a grippy sock vacation but I was getting close). I still have moments where the tears fall and I have to remove myself but I’m getting better. At least I can eat and sleep now. I kind of had myself worried a little but. Ideation don’t go away.. they just turn the volume down… until they don’t. That’s a fine line to walk and some days I’m hard pressed to find a reason to do so.
So cmon in 2025… I’m calmer, better medicated and still standing. Barkeep! We all need a round or several to kick this off right. Slainte’