Life is a bit strange at times isn’t it?  We go along minding our own business trying to stay on even keel, and then get blasted by someone else’s indignation of our point of view.  Is that not a little skewed?  Does it really matter if we have a warped sense of humor or speak using language that they disapprove of?  Does it even matter if we have a different religious point of view in our lives and choose not to stay confined within a group that serves no purpose for us?  No teaching, no learning, no real interaction except to be slammed for our differences?  I try to let others do as they please(provided it does not interfere with what I am doing).  So when things hit my inbox, I tend to get more than a little snarky in my response.  So here is the new agenda for those with their own ideas of what I should be doing:  I will no longer allow myself to be used by those who provide no reciprocal benefits.  I will no longer allow those who have their own agendas to waltz in and upset the balance that has taken some time to be achieved.  I will no longer allow others opinions of what I say or do to matter.  Get over yourselves and move on.  The discussion is tabled before it begins.  Finis.  I will no longer allow others to define me by their own warped criteria…we all have a responsibility to ourselves to live life as we have been destined to do, finding our own way, our own spirituality and our own sense of self.  When we allow others to choose that for us, then we have given all our power and control to others and that is unacceptable to me.  I refuse to allow myself to be drawn into aligning myself with others in the hopes that they will broaden my scope of view on my own path, when in fact if I had trusted the readings, I would have known that they would not.  I refuse to allow those who are “dismayed” by my thought processes in these matters to sway my thinking and back track on the inroads I have made on my path.  I like who I am, appreciate that I have strength on which to draw upon when things get little dicey on days when I may not feel at my best.  I have inner balance that calms me when I need to find center in order to face the storms that come with a certainty in life.  I have friends that I have “collected” that make me laugh, allow me to vent when I need to, rant about the things that piss me off whether it affects me personally or a situation that is so unfair that one needs to speak out about them.  They share themselves and their lives so that this truly becomes like a family be protected, nurtured and enjoyed.  Those people are true treasures and damn hard to find.   I will live as I choose, being the person I was meant to be, moving through life with purpose.  I will give respect to others but refuse to allow others to bully me into walking their direction because they don’t agree with mine.  Respect should be a mutual thing, given freely..not mandated through fear or coercion.  I refuse to allow my gifts or talents be usurped by others for their benefit, I don’t mind sharing with people, but to be taken for a ride without benefit of a parachute for the freefall that is sure to come afterwards is not high on my “to do” list.  I’ve had my fill of that from days past.  I refuse to fill in the gaps of knowledge of others if they are not willing to put in some work…To do that means I am rehashing things that I already know and the other person is a sieve…not retaining anything.  I share with those that already have educated themselves, but want to add to that…That’s a good thing, because for the most part, its reciprocal, because I usually end up learning some things myself.  I refuse to allow myself to feel guilty when someone pouts at my refusal to “help” or “join” in their endeavors.  It’s not MY project…do it according to YOUR vision.  If I choose to not allow myself to feel guilt at not helping you out, then it makes a much more positive space for me to occupy.  Sometimes that is just a work in progress, but then so is life :).  I refuse to allow your view of who I am to skew the vision I see of myself in the mirror.  I am not some evil person hell bent on ruining your life.  Any mistakes made between us, demands both sides take personal responsibility..I’ll admit I’m not perfect..will you?  I do the best I can to be the best version of someone who gives a damn about myself, my family, friends, and the world as a whole.  I refuse to allow anyone else come in and screw that up.  I do enough of that on my own…Life is a journey, meant to be experienced with joy and exuberance, not just muddled through existing with no desire to feel that within your spirit.  I wake every day with new purpose, desiring to share with others, the universe, myself all that there is that brings joy to my life. It’s what makes me happiest.  I refuse to allow others to say that I can’t….because by damn..I WILL.



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