It’s all about the ancestors

My favorite time of the year is almost here.  In little more than a week,  it’s the time that little ones get dressed up as their favorite ghoul or character and go bumming for candy .  Here in a small town we feel free to take kids to people’s homes we really aren’t familiar with,the traffic can get little crazy as people come from rural areas into town to satisfy their sweet tooth(and those of family members who walk or drive with them around town.)  It’s a lovely time for all..usually…. because we have had tragedy..Kids not watching as they drive, others in a hurry to cross the road..created a sad time in our town a few years back when my children were young.  But we don’t dwell on that. We celebrate.  Samhain is also this time of year, Fet Ghede, All soul’s day, Dias de los Muerte.  So what does that mean? Each of those are in various paths and yet they all celebrate the same thing…ancestors.  Those no longer with us, those who walked the path before us.  Celebrations of bonfires, dumb suppers(specific food prepared for those spirits passed on who will return as the veil thins), specific herbs and candles burned.  All done in honor and celebration of the life that was, and the gift they shared with us in the way of love and knowledge.  So it was with curiosity I saw an event on FB today.  It is a WORLDWIDE SAGE BURNING PURIFICATION RITUAL.  Now those who use herbs know that sage is indeed done for purification as well as banishment and protection.  So why I ask you..would one do this on the very day the veil is thinnest and we are welcoming in our ancestors?   This is a time of new beginning,to say farewell to old year, ring in the new…When I burn herbs, I use 3 in particular.  Thyme(associated with departing souls), Rue(flower of repentance), and Rosemary(for remembrance).  One can also use others, such as Mullein(for abundance), calendula, mushrooms, pumpkins seeds, .  Pretty much everything one would gather for this time of year..except sage(which is gathered in early summer).  One can also use acorns.  I shake my head at the ignorance displayed sometimes by others.  If one is not grounded in a path, then I guess they feel that to do whatever one wishes is just fine.  I think not.  For me personally, I honor those who walked before me, the ones who provided me with my knowledge such as my Gran, for without her, I would be lost in my herbs.  For the ones no longer with us, it would be a slap in the face, a sign of disrespect.  so I set my altar with images from the seasons, jack-o-lanterns, witches that belonged to my mother,  an Army patch that was worn by my father,pictures of those who are no longer with us.  Specific colors of candles, sometimes the color of the year, other times for a specific working.  I will also add specific stones such as black obsidian and the amethyst that is personal to me.  But in all things,I will honor the ones that are before me.  Not decide that I could create some asinine ritual with no basis on any path, and with an herb that is often used to repel spirits in general.  That is just STUPID..yes, I said it…STUPID.  Anyway, however you celebrate this year, take a moment to honor those no longer with us.  It’s not a big thing, even if its just a “thank you” to the universe..but this time of year, the veil is thinnest, they are closer and that is a comforting thought to many who may look back at their time with us  and smile as we generally remember the times of shared laughter and good times rather than dwell on any negative..and that’s as it should be..the letting go of the old and moving forward..  I bid you peace.

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