Defining Me

I’ve been having issues last little bit with definition.  Not my definition, but the way others define who I am and how I believe by their own personal standards.  It kind of rocked me for a second because I actually thought I was past that.  Apparently not.  So I’ve been whining, complaining, and tonight, I’ve just decided to suck it up and move on.  That’s the good thing about my moods, they never stay long because I refuse to allow them to do so.  So what did I do? I  stopped dwelling on it. I apologize to my friends who’ve had to listen to me whine about the unfairness of people challenging me and my beliefs in a rather forceful manner.  I’ll stop..really,lol.  Ya’ll are the only ones who have helped keep me sane and from going totally off the edge and I appreciate you more than you know.  Here is the thing.  I know that my path works for me.  I know the history of it, and what it means to me.  I see no need to defend it or myself to anyone else.  I need to look in the mirror and appreciate the gifts I have, and get back to work.  If that means kicking some to the curb for their negative be it..but either way, I am done feeling like a punching bag.  So what is the definition of me?  I carry a lot of labels in my life, some I shouldered onto myself, others placed there by others.   Some news ones have been suggested and that amuses me.  I am ordinary woman really.  Nothing I do is special in my opinion.  I do things as I have always done them, and yet sometimes that resonates with others.  That’s fine.  If I can help others even if its being an example of what not to do, then so be it.  Witch, pagan, woman, mother, sister, friend, Nana..they are all labels used to define who I am, and yet that just barely scrapes the surface.  I hope that I succeed at all of these, and maybe I do somewhat.  I know that I am better at some  than others .  I could use some more work on them I guess, but sometimes things are beyond our control and we have to accept those that are not perfect, probably will never be and move on.  Same with my beliefs.  I am opinionated when it comes to how people treat others, maybe because I know what it feels like to be bullied and disrespected, and have seen the fear reflected in the faces of those who get caught up in situations caused by ignorance and hate.  I refuse to be part of the silent majority who will not speak up.  I also refuse to walk away from my path because it is not the accepted view of narrow minded people who think I need to follow the status quo, and  those who choose to judge out of ignorance and lack of knowledge.  So I sit looking into my mirror and accepting that while I am not perfect, I am doing just fine at being a decent human who accepts her friends as they are, loves her family even when they aren’t always so loveable, and try to do as my guides direct in teaching, learning and living.  All in all, that isn’t a bad definition after all.



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