It’s called Perspective

You know we all view things from our own little corner of the world.  It’s based upon life experiences, knowledge we have gained, and things we see on a regular basis.  In saying that, I get a little crazy over people(who should know better imho) judging others by their own personal yardsticks.  Viewing how someone dresses, what they believe makes as much sense to me as a screen door on a submarine.  It’s stupid.  If you think people are EMO because of dress, and not spiritual, or that witches are mostly fluff…what does that make you?  Is your personal viewpoint any more valid than theirs? Even if you do not understand it, or agree with it, it is their POV that makes it valid. In their world. i like the etymology of the word “witch” myself..sometimes the label is used for shock value when I’m messing with people’s head…but I dont consider those who do not practice witchcraft a witch, for that would kind of silly since that is its meaning.  Wise woman.. I like to think that applies to me and my path…but its my path, and what I do on it is MY business.  So while we may laugh at those who come and claim to be a reborn ‘fairy, dragon, insert otherkin here”, and know that they have much to learn..they are seeking in their own way..and from their perspective, it makes sense.  So walk your path, apply your own spiritual yardstick to your own beliefs and let others do the same.

One thought on “It’s called Perspective”

  1. damn skippy! It’s hard out there when you know you’re doing right by your own path but others who should otherwise be supportive or at least kind judge you by their own arbitrary criteria and shove their feelings of self righteousness in your face.

    good food for thought

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