The Voice of Reason

That title has long been mine for as long as I can remember.  My friends have come to love and loathe it.  I’ve always been placed in “counselor” role  from an early age.  Maybe its because from past habits of growing up in abusive military household, one tends to keep one’s self out of the fray.  It’s easier to observe that way.  One can see both sides of the situation, see where blame might be on both sides and voice a way to a solution.  It’s hard when both sides want to be right, or one side is actually completely right..but I dont take sides..just call it as I see it.  Sometimes that can be hard place, sort of like being between that and the rock..because sometimes the parties involved dont want to listen to reason..they just want to be right.  What usually happens when this situation occurs and people get pissy is that I walk..away…sometimes for longer than they care for me to.  so generally after things quiet down, we talk it out..I’ve learned to pick my battles and the small stuff..not worth it.  But for last few days, I’ve had to listen to a voice of reason(yeah you know who you are).  I’ve been off kilter from the dream, which the voice tells me is me thinking it too hard.  She was right…once I stopped, spun it a little bit, then it fell into place.  Then there have been other niggling things come up and again the voice is there to present some other scenarios, and voila!  It’s making me laugh because I’m like..WTF…I’m trying to be mad here…what ARE you doing? ROFL..what the voice is doing in fact is what I do…present the big picture so someone doesnt make an ass of themselves and react harshly and then have to regret it.  It’s helped me regain my sense of balance, my sense of humor, and while the voice thinks that they havent done anything of much importance..I want to say “THANKS”…