Sheer Stupidity is wrong with people? Do they go out of their way to write blogs and post and hope that nobody sees their crap? They spout rubbish as truth and then wonder why nobody wants to take anyone who claims the label “pagan” seriously. I read a blog tonight that compared pagan/christians as like comparing apples to toasters. Are you serious? They claim that personal experience trumps anything dealing with education of your path. That would be UPG or Unverified Personal Gnosis. There are no authoritative texts..and on that she is correct, however, there are plenty of info around for one to at least educate yourself in what it is you would like to believe in. She thinks that looking for common ground between paths is a useless venture. I disagree. why, you may ask. Respect!!! We keep looking for what makes us different…Across the world, people see color, faith, sexuality, etc. why not look for some commonalities? We are one race…HUMAN. Paganism is not ONE path, but as I’ve stated before, an “umbrella” term for many other paths. I was reading this hot mess when it struck me…damn! This woman is serious in what she is writing here. How silly for someone to be that naive in their thinking that paganism is a faith unto itself. And what is truly sad is that she is teaching this drivel to her young. She thinks that it’s an “us” against “them” mentality and I want to challenge that thinking. We all have to live in this world…why make it any harder than it already is for people? Why make yourself the stumbling block to someone who may perchance have been seeking a little something and run across your trash on the web posted in the guise as a helpful work? Think before you speak people. Stop forcefeeding fluff to the seekers..those who dont know any better to look at you and say “really? It’s tiring sometimes to read a lot of things, and I’m sure others may not like hearing what I have to say..solution? don’t read it..simple as that. But I’m going to keep speaking out against fluff and ignorance every chance iIcan and hope to the gods someone starts paying attention sometime soon.

Peace Out