Through the looking glass

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time
And every creature lends themselves to change your state of mind
And the girl that chased the rabbit drank the wine and took the pill
Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels

To stand outside your virtue
No one can ever hurt you
Or so they say


We all are familiar with Lewis Carroll ‘s book of Alice In Wonderland, as well as turned on a new generation with the movie.  Alice is bored with life so goes chasing rabbits.  Amazing how we often go chasing wild hares ourselves metaphorically in life.  We often seek things to fill up that place inside us that seems to be lacking.  Some use drugs,  religion, others use sex, still others harm themselves by cutting, etc.  At first it is almost orgasmic in the fulfillment, but then as the glory fades, it gets to be a vicious cycle trying to end the pain of the mundane .  We believe the things said about us, see what they think they see in our mirrors, and in the end…we are cheated….because we are caught up in the cycle of pain and need that we cant see how things could be if we allowed it.  We give others the power to sway the way we think and feel about ourselves.  We fall into the trap of trying to be someone we aren’t and it just causes more confusion, anger and the end..more pain.  I see bright, beautiful people still trying to live up to other’s expectations, because that inner voice inside has not been kicked to the curb.  It takes a lot of shadow work on ourselves to be able to kick those inner demons that told us we were less than perfect.  And sometimes even in the oddest of moments and time, they rear their ugly heads yet again.  I’ve seen people fall to pieces in the strangest of places and situations because of something from the past that colors the perceptions of the present.  So how to deal with this?  I wish there was one simple answer, but in the long run, one has to stand up, look at the person in the mirror and take back your power.  Learn to like and respect that person staring back at you.  Learn that nobody is perfect and that life is not fair…some days you are the bug, some days the windshield.  Realize that not everybody is going to like you for various reasons..and that’s ok…we don’t have to like them either. It is our power as a human being, worthy of respect.  We have value and substance to offer the universe..never let anyone try and convince you differently.  They too have those voices…some just like to pretend they don’t…and its those who try and usurp power from others to try and make themselves feel better.  That too doesn’t work..and so they have to keep trying to up it even higher..can get pretty nasty.  What to do?  Run the hell away from that is so not worth the trouble, and pat yourself on the back for an escape well done.  Be who you are meant to be,live as you are meant to live, answer to NO ONE!!! You and you alone are the one in charge of your life…reach out and grab hold  of that lifeline and go for the ride of your life.  Life is for the living..otherwise its just existing.


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