Ah… the pain of social media

Social media, social fixer and all of the trappings that come with it can be damn amusing . I have been known to cull my friend lists from those who want to preach at me, those who seem to think my life is open for discussion, those that are there “just because”, those who play an app, then drop out.  So I’ve cut my list down considerably.  Sometimes I see that I too, haven’t made the cut on someone’s list, and that is perfectly fine with me.  So today I get up and find that someone who seems to spend an awful lot of time popping in and out of groups has un-friended me.  I’m laughing because truthfully I wanted to know why. Was I too snarky?  Was it because I didn’t agree with everything you posted?  Or was it because I wanted to appear as a responsible human being?  ~prostrates self~  for the love of elfalba tell me!!! ROFLMFAO.    My status is a sarcastic joke of the situation, fuel added by friends.  And the idea that I would be hurt or dismayed by the situation makes me giggle.  I would have to know you for that to be accurate.  I would have to actually give a damn about you, your life or situation for this to be so.  I don’t.  I do have people like that in my life, and if they were to kick me to the curb, I would hope they would honestly tell me..”hey bitch..this relationship is so not working”.  Truthful, direct and no games played.  See how easy that is? No making excuses, no sleight of hand, just an upfront approach to a situation that isnt beneficial to either party.  So how do ya’ll choose who or what makes the cut? Do you choose to limit family, friends,  who would not understand the page you’ve created, the way you practice, your personal beliefs? Do you allow stalkers to stay just for the amusement value, or decide you’ve had enough of that shit in the mundane and toss their heads to the rubbish pile? I have no rhyme or reason really..just depends on the mood I’m in when I start the process.  I may start with a select few for various reasons, but then continue on through said list .  I was just curious about other’s criteria.  Social media…the pain, the misery, the humor of it all.  Some days I unplug(I know that is hard for some of you to believe), and other days I have to see what else will crop up.  Who would have ever thought that an anti-social witch such as myself would be on social media everywhere?  Certainly not myself.  To those still on my list..consider it as a reprieve because I am sure the list will continue to be whittled away.  to those who choose to walk away now..I bid you sweet parting…don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.  Adieu

5 thoughts on “Ah… the pain of social media”

  1. My main Facebook is completely public so I only remove someone if they say something directly I am offended by or they are a robot/fake account. I have a private personal one I invite every few people to, like most f my friends arent even on it.

    1. I have issues. My page is locked up as tight as FB will allow it. I delete as I said for variety of reasons.

  2. Well i’m too new in social media land, and if some1 follows me, i’m just pleased to see some1 noticed my existence on the thing – but my social media experience isnt so social, i dont have chats with my followers lol, i too still have to figure out what i actually expect from ‘social media’ as relatively unsocial person. I dont know btw if i can boot followers off twitter.

    1. I have followers that I dont know on Twitter, but only interact with a select few. FB is different because some are there for games, some are family, others are there gods only know what reason. so I cull once in awhile. My page is locked up as tight as FB will allow and have special people in a select group that I speak with daily. On twitter itself, I also have groups…those on preferred list, those not. Im not looking for validation of existence. I exist and know the purpose, so dont need others to reach out and say..
      “hey I noticed your presence today and wanted to let you know I’m stalking/following you”. When I first started this blog, it amazed me that people would even read it..now I’m blase’ about it because it gets slammed on a regular basis through no attempt by myself or others to push me out into the spotlight. As one who isnt usually social in the mundane, I seem to have made it a lifestyle online. Amazing feat that is. Maybe because I dont truly have to relate to them on a personal level, although there are some that I do that with.
      As for twitter..you “can” boot followers,You can block them, count to 10, then remove the block. they can always come back and follow again and should you not wish that to happen, leave the block in place.

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