Among the missing…and yet not

I don’t remember the first time I saw it.  It just seemed to have always been around.  I picked up the carton, and turned it around to look once again at the picture there.  Black and white, grainy..not my best obviously, wonder why they didnt use a better picture?  Still  it’s myself looking back at me.  How long has it been I wondered.  I have lost track of time since I fell off the grid.  Maybe they recycle these photos I think…Surely they can’t still be looking for me after all this time.    I can barely remember what it was like to be locked in with the mundane world with all its putrid vile energy coming at me from all sides.  The side stepping of those who think its all fun and games to keep trying to peer over boundary fences grows tiring all the time, so I had no choice really but  to remove myself and walk into the world of the missing, hiding in plain sight.  In the beginning, it was a little more difficult, with people wandering around carrying their photos of me going around and asking others “Have you seen this here witch?  I’ve looked all over tarnation for her”.  Always receiving a negative answer.  They sigh in exasperation and move on to ask again and again. It’s relatively easy enough to place that answer into someone’s consciousness and sit back in the shadows to watch the show.  Disguises are relatively simple as well, but they hardly seem necessary now.  Being among the missing has been freeing actually.  Less expectations are placed upon you by others, such as those who feel they have the right to ask, no..demand that you “help” right their world.  It gives one the space to breathe and reconnect to a place that seems to have lost its balance.  How long will I continue to sit and watch?  Well, I can’t rightly say…yet.  It could be just a short spell, or it could be a longer piece.  Either way its amusing to me to watch the scurrying of vermin seeking those they think might help them find the missing witch.

Hey!  Ya’ll seen a witch come this way?  N  O………

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