And the dance continues

Sometimes it is amazing that one receives validation from various places when you are not looking for them.  Such has been my case the past week.  Hell has been calmer, I’ve worked hard enough to get a 3 day weekend, and then there are the little things,, such as the feeling of getting water flicked at my face for attention, when there is no water near or anyone else for that matter, birds that aren’t usually out when I leave for work are suddenly swooping in front of the car as if they lead the way for me.  Even messages left for me from friends give me direction .  While things around me are a little shuffled, and I have had several tell me since my health issues to step away, leave it to others, I stood still.  To catch my breath for one, but mostly to listen…really listen to the messages from those who have always guided me well.So today when I was awakened by the little girl who brightens my days and her just as hyper dog, I realized that my knee was extremely sore.  If I put it to the mundane,  I could have dismissed it as an overuse this week, but in truth, that was normal thing for me. Or I could say it’s going to rain so bothers the arthritis there, but that too is normal.  So why do I believe it is something else?  Because I was traveling last night. To a place that welcomes me every time I have need to go. I was in the swamp. Not too far from where the cabin sits, but not in Brin’s clearing.  This was a special place,  confined and enclosed within the moss hanging from the Mangrove trees. I sat in the bottom of the boat as it was steered closer.  I could smell herbs as they wafted on the breeze, feeling the energy flow over and around me, embracing me as it pulled me closer.  As I began to come into the bank, I could feel it.  The rhythm of the drums.  They seemed to call my name in welcome and I was eager to be within the confines of the circle.   I pulled my cloak around me and stepped onto the earth which seemed to pulse with life in time to the drums which  gathered me  in and pull me closer.  As I reached the outer edges of the circle, I could see those who guide me, counsel me and sometimes chastise me when I’m not listening.  Their ceremonial garb and painted sigils tell me that this is no ordinary dance..this is more like corroborree, full of ceremony, ritual,…special circumstances.  As I step in, I am met by Maman, who hugs me warmly and whispers to me that she is glad that I have decided to come.  As if I had a choice I think….”you always have the choice” was the response.  There are others in this circle that are important party of my path and I am welcomed in as an equal.  Equal?  No fucking way am I equal to them! And yet the answer I hear is that we are equal…its human nature to place the divider…there are rules for some that are not in place for others, and they are the conduit to do the work necessary.  All the while the drums have been low, just seeming to vibrate, but now their song of knowledge, magic, protection and love is getting louder, sweeping over the clearing, embracing one and all there.  My feet seem to twitch at a long forgotten dance, one that has not been done for some time.  I feel the heat on my hand and the sigil there seems to glow as if to reassure me, and I feel a hand take mine.  I look into familiar eyes and smile, and so we begin to dance.  Twisting, twirling, turning with the beat of the drums moving through us as if we are non corporeal beings  and are one with the energy flow.  Time has no meaning in the elsewhere so I could not tell you how long the night lasted.  What I can tell you is that I awoke this morning smiling, feeling more at peace than I have in some time and aside from the knee’s small complaint this morning, I feel refreshed enough to know that walking away is not an option, because I would lose part of who I am.  

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