Education and validation

Validation.  Big word with intense meanings…something that corroborates a held belief,thought or action, to officially sanction it as correct response or action.
Personally, I look for validations when I’m working or from my guides that what I’m doing is correct or will have the desired results I intended. I do NOT look for it from others.  Why is that you may ask(and I know the couple readers who follow here probably will). It’s because I refuse to allow others to define who I am.  I look in the mirror every day-not for long I’ll admit since I dislike physical flaws that I KNOW are there ,lol.  So what do I see? A woman who has aged, not always gracefully, but that has gained in knowledge about just how strong she is, and can be again when the need arises.I see a person who shares her compassion with others, teaches life lessons to those who require them, and enjoys life as the journey it should be.  I also know my limitations.  I cannot change everything or everyone.  Some people will choose to remain ignorant no matter how many pearls are placed before them.  Those are the people who will be used as slag when the road to knowledge is constructed….trodden underfoot and mired in the mud and grit because of their willful ignorance.  But it’s those willfully ignorant people that frustrate the hell out of me.  They wear their ignorance like its a badge of honor-we act like this because it’s expected of us, so we behave in a way that makes others laugh with us” .Wait.  What!?!?!?  You act STUPID because   OTHERS expect it of you? Why in the name of the gods would ANYONE let others use their bias and closed minds  to validate them? How does that benefit you? Does it help you grow spiritually? As a human being? I swear it’s enough to make one want to bang your head repeatedly until it explodes.  Nothing less than pain can remove that ignorance from your eyesight or hearing. All this “dumbing down” has got to stop.  It does nothing to further the education needed to make the right choices in our lives.  We as human beings have an immutable right to choose our own destiny, and frankly this crap of reality TV  does nothing to prove that people are taking advantage of that.  Why would one want to limit themselves to playing “Bojangles” to validate what others perceive them to be or deem they are only fit to be? How fucked up is that? Jebus, the number of people walking the earth who’ve grown up thinking they are less than their worth is almost innumerable.  You’re too fat/too skinny, too tall/ too short, too ugly/ too pretty,too stupid/too smart, too black/too white, ..the list is way too long to list here, but ya’ll get my drift.  Why let others define your worth?  Why let them pick what path you set your feet to?
The way I see it, is that this is dangerous thinking.  You begin by believing what others believe you to be and when the time comes for your voice to be heard ..NEEDS to be cannot speak.  This is what gets humanity into a world of hurt and causes history to be repeated across the board.  I hear people say “I can’t afford education”..really?  REALLY?  Open your ignorant eyes.  Education is all around you, free for the taking.  See that man over there tending the yard? Know what he’s really doing?  Taking his mind elsewhere from the day to day mundane problems, and feeling the earth..reconnecting, filling his spirit with something other than the bullshit handed out on every street corner.  See the woman in the corner knitting?  Guess what she is doing?  Observing humanity.  Removing herself from negative that flows from others and finding a calm place within herself in order to be able to face the other issues once she goes about her daily life.  Education doesn’t just come from books you know.  It’s from observation, finding those examples  that show us how to tap into creativity, a way to reconnect to that center we all hold.  It comes from living life , taking each day as it comes, reaching out for the promise held there and working through the obstacles that will invariably arise.  Don’t think because you are out of school, never finished school or hadn’t the opportunity to further your education that you cannot learn something every day.  Most of all, do not believe others when their image of you falls short of the one you hold within your heart…they’re wrong ! So go forth and educate yourself.  Stop thinking that you have to act like their views.  Become who you were destined to be.  It’s not as bad as you’ve been led to believe.

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