Fluff and fold

Sometimes there are things that make one just want to shake your head.  It’s either mind blowing in its whatthefucktiveness, or in  its stupidity.  Sometimes its a little of both.
The other day I was reading on a group of christian wiccans.  Yeah, oxymoronic is my thought as well, but they seem to think they can make it work.  I don’t see how because christianity is monotheistic, and wiccans allow for god and goddess , so would violate the doctrine and dogma of the christian faith as it is practiced now.  So how people can justify walking both sides of the street I have no clue.  It doesn’t make sense to me and seems fluffilicious at best.
So today’s absurdity is some man-child in a pagan group with real issues.   He first was upset because a friend thinks he is bi-sexual and had given him a hard time for it.  Seriously?  What does it matter if she decides to comment on your sexuality? Would being Bi be the worst thing that could happen to you? Are you a closet homosexual and afraid to come out?  No shame in that..happens to a lot of people. But unfortunately said man-child whined about his friend’s observation.  He also apparently got pretty angry about it because his next post was about wanting a “death spell”.  Now after group owner had asked for a “kindler, gentler” type of pagan(good luck with that one among those who know their shit and are tired of fluff), said man-child posts this nonsense in a group that for the most part speaks with knowledge and in a no holds barred kind of tone.    Yeah, this post went on a downward spiral almost from the get, with many of us upbraiding his stupidity.  His response?  He told someone to “go to Hades”!  Really.  I don’t know exactly what path this man-child walks, although he has mentioned a war-god, although I think that has to be based on his RP game playing, and not in the mundane.  So since he obviously did not mean it to reference the lord of the dead and netherworld of Greek reference, I took it mean the locale.  Makes me want to roll my eyes, since it is a christian construct, not one that pagans believe in (unless one counts those aforementioned christian wiccans I guess).  It all boils down to that this is a kid, who thinks its cool to be a playgan and incorporate RP games into ones path as if they are real.  Workings to harm others are not for the faint of heart, nor are they to be entered into on a whim or just because you are mad at someone that will blow over by the end of the day.  My suggestion?  Grow the hell up and act like the adult you are pretending to be.  I know you are young, but seriously, to walk among adults, speak on adult topics and be taken seriously on your path, then stop acting like an ass cricket and start learning some real knowledge (other than the WB that came with your video game).
It’s crazy really that no matter how many times you see things like this it makes you feel like doing a double take.  How  some people are able to operate in the mundane is beyond my realm of thought.  They seem to  go from pillar to post and find every piece of flufftastic garbage they can stuff in their little knapsack.  Seriously people…grow the hell up!  You make the toddlers look extremely intelligent compared to the shit that comes out of your mouths.  It really won’t cause you irreparable damage to open a book, study some history or speak with knowledgeable people.  It might even do you some good.  At least you won’t look so absurd to others when you do speak.  And that is always a bonus.

2 thoughts on “Fluff and fold”

  1. “christian wiccan”. heh *insert beavis and butthead laugh*. im sorry but the name alone says it all. i was wiccan for 9 years, and tried SO HARD to take christian wicca seriously. i really did. and i couldnt to it. all the contradictions outweighed the possible ways to make it work in my mind. meh. now then… this guy is pagan, and hes worried about what a friend meantioned about his sexuality?! wow… sounds to me like he was just a troll.

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