I don’t believe it so it’s gotta be fake

It’s funny what you see in other people’s conversations isn’t it?  I mean whatever we do or wherever we go, we invariably become privy to other people’s conversations as well as their points of views.  It’s the same way on social network sites.  I see conversations that aren’t mine taking place, but they get me to thinking which can’t always be a bad thing right?

So I see a conversation in which someone says they don’t believe in hexing,crossing,cursing(whatever you want to call it..my personal fav is kicking).  Wanted to know if a certain work such as writing someone’s name, birthdate on paper and placing it in the freezer would indeed hex someone.  It’s certainly one way to bind someone from certain paths perspective, but NOT the only one.  I would say yes it would work if that is your intent.  But the OP still goes on to say that because she shields and only allows positive affirmations in her life” then that could not work against her.  Excuse me while I laugh my ass off here.  The reason for the horse laugh?  Nobody I know who has ever had a working done against them has ever been able to protect themselves fully nor prevent it fully from happening. Even those who are well protected tend to get a little singed as they send it on its way.  One cannot play in fire without being exposed to the smoke you know.   It just tends to cause less trouble than those who do not protect themselves.  So what about those good love and lighters who don’t believe in hexing people?  Would they still be harmed.  Hell yes! I actually kind of like those people who claim to not believe in it..makes it much easier for me to kick their ass when I choose to do so.  So do I tell them I’m going to do it?  Sometimes, just for the chuckles I will.  Sometimes I want them to remember that I’ve told them that I am going to kick them.  Let that play around in their little world for a bit, until they can’t sleep because they wonder what I’m going to do, when it’s going to happen.  What am I doing while all this is going on?  Probably sleeping pretty damn well because the hardest part of the kicking is already taking place.  They are doing the work, waiting for the light of the train to appear from the tunnel to flatten their ass, watching…and just when they think it’s never going to happen…….SPLAT!!!! That train has rolled over their ass while I sit with my bowl of popcorn to watch the after effects.  Is this my usual modus operandi?  Nope.  Sometimes I am that still small breeze that stirs the air lulling you into false security because nothing has happened…yet.  Sometimes you might just have the wheels falling off your shit all over.  No warning..just how it is sometimes.  But wait..I don’t believe in that , you say? Doesn’t matter what YOU believe.  It’s what I believe that makes all this work.  You do not have to believe that I can do a damn thing to you(but for me it’s a lot more humorous if you do~just saying~), but I DO believe in kicking people when they deserve it.  So what would warrant my kicking? It takes a bit.  I’m usually willing to let you harm yourself really, but sometimes an assist isn’t out of the question. Fuck with those I care about and it is full game on!   Sometimes half the reward in this for myself is deciding just how or when I plan on deploying said juju.  I might get creative or I might stick with the tried and true.

The truth is, I care less if you believe or not.  I don’t know how people walk around so unbalanced in their paths.  If you cant(or wont) curse, then how do you justify sending or expending healing energies? THAT is the flip side to that coin.  It doesn’t matter if someone else believes in what you do..only that YOU do.  So for those who walk around with their fingers in their ears while their head is up their collective asses, here is just a tiniest little clue…Yes throwing a curse, tossing a hex, kicking of ass does indeed exist. Those of us who do it care less if you believe…but are kind of curious how you define what the fuck is happening to you when things are going awry. Are you sure it’s just a lil bad run of luck?  Or maybe something you did?  What if…oh, what IF…someone has decided you need to be taught a lesson? Just a thought.  😉


tempête parfaite

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