No fucking cookies given from this quarter

Ever get your buttons pushed by something you read even if you don’t know the other people saying it?  It happens a lot if one takes an interest in the outside world.  Social media is good for that. I got one of those knee jerk responses today as I was reading.
So the post was about how kids expect on Christmas, and one said that they were so happy that their kids were happy getting a second hand tv and a few thoughtful gifts.  I have no issue with this.  Would make me glad my kids appreciated their gifts, and some second hand stuff is pretty damn good. So what is my issue? The smugness behind the comment and the next part that said others would be whining about wrong color ipad or wrong gift.  Do they want a cookie or an attaboy for their generosity?  I’ll give them that there are some kids who have not been raised to appreciate what they have, but to act as if you are a better parent, have better kids just reeks of hypocrisy.

I know that sometimes things are beyond one’s control, one cannot afford to buy the latest and greatest gadgets for the kids.  I respect that.  But planning ahead, layaway, searching the internet , second hand shops is doable.  And what of these parents who drink or smoke? Are they gonna give up that expense to provide for your kids something they specifically asked for? It’s a matter of priorities for me. When my kids were little, I listened throughout the year to see what they really liked, then bought accordingly.  As they grew, they made me a list and got a couple things off that were requested.  I do the same now for their little people.  I’m not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I never have been. I’m just  fortunate to have a job that allows me to budget for the greatest gifts in my life.   Do my little ones get more than some?  YES.  Do they get less than others? YES.  Do they appreciate that they are blessed? YES.  Why is that?  Because we teach them that.  We go out of our way to help when and where we can throughout the year. Outgrown clothes in good shape go into shelter boxes as do toys.  We gift to the local food banks. In short, we teach, that “to whom much is given, much is required”…a phrase I grew up hearing from my Gran.

In short, my problem is people acting superior when in reality..they probably don’t know(or think about) the kids reality of the “what did santa bring you/what did you get for christmas” that goes on when they go back to school.  They may appreciate their gifts, but deep down the insecurity of not having what others have affects them.  So don’t delude yourself into thinking how great you are, because if you were, you would have made ONE item asked for appear, instead of something from the left-over column you had easy access to. This season is about giving..of self, of time, of love and placing others before yourself.  Not seeking out cookies, brownie points, attaboys, for a “job well done”, because from this quarter..I have none to spare

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