Responsibility and our part in it

So I’ve been watching a few conversations lately and its gotten me to thinking about responsibility and what part our actions take in it.

So the first convo was from the stalker feed today.(it really is a later convo than the other, but shorter so it gets to go first).  In it a woman who has divorced, is wiccan and does not follow the whole of the rede has made her own version up.  Basically its all the love and light crap, following the rule of three..which as we all know is bullshit…She believes that the goddess returns any harm and she does not nor will not retaliate for any wrong committed against her.  FFS woman!  what kind of door mat are you anyways? NOWHERE in the rede does it suggest that you allow others to wipe their feet upon your back and push your face down into the mud.  It does say that you return as you have been given.  So one might ask, why should we care that she likes being pushed around by the universe and others here in the mundane?  The other person involved was abusive, and odds are that it will continue..with someone else.  So if one had the opportunity to drag this person kicking and screaming to a “come-to-jesus” meeting where their attitude was “adjusted”, why would you not take it?  Patting yourself on the back because you successfully got away and they can do no more harm to you is all well and good, but what about your responsibility to the world at large?  It’s like loosing a demon…may not come back to kick your ass, but it will feast on those not in the know of your deed, and that have no protection or warning.  So I am of the mind set that we are responsible for what we loose into the world, whether its in the mundane or elsewhere.  Its our responsibility, and if you want to live in a cotton candy cloud of ignorance, keep deluding yourself, just dont expect those of us who get our hands dirty to give you a hand when shit comes back to kick your ass.

So now on to the next convo which actually took place last night.  It involves the event of people scarving up to support others who cover their heads, either for religious preferences, or when working.  It came about as a white woman was harassed for wearing one.  she uses the scarf as a sign of respect for the deity she observes.  I have no problem with this since a great many faiths also do the same.  What I had the issue with was that  POC (people of color) were not actively included.  It was just assumed that those who walk a pagan path in the community would step up and be included without a personal invitation.  WRONG.  Many felt slighted because nobody actually invited them or any groups that they might be affiliated with.  Why is that?  Oversight perhaps or maybe its because in truth, people are people with their own bias, and sometimes it still falls within the racial scope of things.  Lines drawn, walls built as if they can only be included in historically faiths that came from slave days brought to this country. So when it was brought to the attention of those pulling the event together, the ignorance of speech came out.  some could not see the “big deal” because those working on the event were doing so without remuneration, had families, jobs, lives outside of the event.  Well…..isn’t that special? Life has a way of intruding when he have plans ya know? The one phrase that had my jaw hitting the floor? I was told that I could invite my “colored” friend.  WTF?!?!?!? I live in the south.  I know only too well the ramifications of that word which has not long been gone from signs separating  lunch counters, water fountains and bathrooms here.  NOBODY I know would even use that term because it actually is akin to the other word that does not bear repeating, as if they are second class citizens.  So…poor choice of verbiage to be sure, but truthfully I have found that many  POC in the pagan world are really a minority within a minority and are often overlooked.  I’ve not met a great many within the confines of community, but those I have , I’ve  found to be more than knowledgeable about their paths and not afraid to help when asked.  So where does the responsibility come in?  It is our job to assess our walk.  Too often Ive heard from those on pagan paths about the persecution they feel because of certain faiths, and yet they pass that same ignorance and hostility on others based upon race, ethnicity or sexuality.  We need to be checking ourselves people.  We cannot in good conscience say that we are “open” if we still allow these things to come in and impede what we are trying to accomplish.  There is only ONE race..HUMAN, and its high time that we check to make sure we are abiding to that idiom.I know we’re human beings, coming from different perspectives, but that is the beauty of it.  We all come to the same table and have different things to offer. One cannot have a sumptuous smorgasbord if you are going to limit what is placed upon the table.  It’s our responsibility to make it right.  If you see things going on that is wrong, speak up.  It’s our silence that allows it to continue. You have a responsibility to be an active member of the human race…be a damn good  example of what truly should be.


vous êtes responsable

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