Sometimes things come up from past situations that just rattle us.  It tends to throw what we have going on more than a little off balance.  Such has been the case this week.  I was unsure what to do at first, trying to get myself back in line with some meditations, lighting of candles, incense…I still was unsettled, so I did what I always do when having issues, I take a trip.  I began by going to the glade where Brin waited with George.  He’s never been there before so I was a little surprised.  “I’m going with you”, he tells me.  I nod in acquiescence because to argue with him is pointless.  The next thing I knew we were standing in front of Maman’s cabin.  I was little dizzy from the speed and said so.  “You’ll get faster the more you do this” I was told.  I go inside, George goes to his usual spot as Brin stays on the front porch.  “Unsettled are we Cher”, asks Maman.  From out of the blue I tell her…why now when I seemingly have things moving as they should.  Maman takes my hand…”this is important Cher”, she tells me softly.  I look knowing that I will again see the sigil placed there.  “you only are realizing a small part of that gift of power that is yours.  Others, they have seen it for some time and even they do not know the true extent of it..but they are willing to use it, to use you.”.  Ok, I know that I have been a sucker in the past allowing others to use what I know, feeding off me and knowledge acquired, but thought that I had gotten past that.  “you were harmed before”, Maman again breaks into my thoughts. “you have been shown how to protect yourself, and done so..but that is on the physical”….I laugh thinking of the webs being classified as physical, but clearly there is more to this.  “Come child, sit”.  I sit in my favorite chair by the fire, while Maman strokes my hair and continues to speak to me softly, as if I were a frightened child..and maybe in many ways I still am.  I start to close my eyes, but catch a glimpse of color.  Blue iridescence curled up with the huge hell hound.  I glance at Maman, who tells me that she too had need of knowledge to deal with the past and is resting now.  I nod, and lay my head back.  “You are stronger than you know Ma Petite.  Things that were used to harm you before no longer have that power.  They are only to serve as a reminder of how far you have come”.  But this person came at me to harm me and a friend I tell her…”And yet that friend is no longer in your world are they?” she tells me.  No..they didn’t move on with me I tell her.  “There are plenty of people who will come and go in your life Cher.  Some are to teach you a lesson, others to gain one from you.  They don’t all stay connected to you”.  She is right about that of course…I definitely learned a lesson about trust, especially in my path, as well as how to protect myself.  I tell her about my new picture, the one where there is no swamp..Maman laughs.  “You do as is your normal thing..hide…the swamp is there in the open space, you embrace it all from the wheat field and yet..only you can see .  It’s the way you protect what is important to you”.  The shadows are warm I tell her.  “Oui,” she says.  “It is one of the reasons you are ghede…shadows do not frighten you or what they hold because you have always walked both paths”  “the veil is getting thinner and souls are getting restless in anticipation….and if you weren’t ill from all the stress you would have already been excited yourself”, Maman tells me.  This is true because I would have already pulled out the decorations to share with my favorite little person.  “drink this”..I am handed a cup of coffee.  I am beginning to like the taste of this, with the chocolately cinnamon taste with the rum kicker added.  I finish the cup and lean back in the chair and can seem to hardly keep my eyes open.  “You will sleep child, and rest…Brin will carry you home and your protection reinforced by the others.  Time to heal and let go of things with no power to carry on and watch yours grow”.  I nod sleepily.  When I awoke this morning, it was late…and I was rested..the first time this week that I can remember sleeping so deeply.  I look at my hand..yeah sigil still there.  I can feel the caress on my cheek where Maman kissed me good-by, and feel the warmth where Brin held me close as I slept.  I am no longer disturbed by those from the past, asking, demanding things of me that I will no longer give.  I’m also learning to appreciate this new-found gift that allows me to walk this path with confidence.  What a beautiful respite from the daily grind.




Sometimes we go through things that seem to be beyond our control.   How we act is one thing, how we react is another.  I’ve done enough shadow work to know that at times I’m going to have a knee jerk reaction based upon past experiences.  But knowing this keeps me from behaving like an ass and taking it out on everyone around me.  That’s not to say that I haven’t done that..I’m ashamed to say that I have.  What to do then?  Recognize the triggers and try to minimize the damage I cause is one solution…Stay out of and away from situations that will trigger chaos is another.  But the best one I have found is to know that things from the past no longer have the power they once claimed.  I am not that same person I once was…weak, needy desiring to be accepted no matter the cost or consequences.  I am strong today because I know that no matter what happens, I will persevere.  I know what things tend to push my buttons.  I’ve also learned that no matter what happens, I can no longer let it bleed over onto those around me.  Those who care, those who don’t.  It is no longer acceptable.  I used to be of the mind-set that if I was miserable, then so would everybody else be dammit.  Instead, I’ve learned to back away, find a place just for me and become quiet to think things through.  It is a better solution for all concerned.


I have some things to think through today.  How to handle things going on around me, both online as well as home.  Offers made by some I thought were in the past… that had situations that cost me dearly, both physically as well as spiritually….meltdowns on several fronts that attack my energy severe they cause tears and that in itself pisses me off because for me, even though I know tears can be cleansing, they are a sign of weakness…how could I allow that to harm me…better up the shields, but if I do, it can effectively cut people out …yeah…lot to ponder on.  I even took some time from my addiction…facebook..that is how important this thinking is today…I don’t know what the outcome will be..and in truth it kind of fills me with trepidation…what if I make the wrong decision about the situations that have me concerned?  I will have to light candles today and seek some guidance.  While I may feel turned upside down and battered, things aren’t always as it appears, because I sometimes tend to make things harder than it has to be.  What will the answer be?  No clue..but I’m sure whatever it is, will be the right thing for me..



Perfect? Nowhere close

What is it that has all of us scurrying around like ants in our lives trying to achieve perfection?  Does that attribute really exist?   Why when I look in the mirror do I feel the desire, no NEED  to make things perfect in my world?  Why do we act like  insane idiots when things don’t go as we envisioned them?  Who says that we have to be perfect?  It starts early in our lives, this need to make things go just so…yet some of us seem to have the need to go that extra mile and make it extremely perfect.  Maybe its because in abusive situations, one sees that to be perfect keeps the violence to a minimum, or perhaps in relationships it keeps the peace.  But this deep seated impracticality causes us all a great deal of harm.  It causes us to worry and beat ourselves us up when things don’t measure up in our eyes.  We are our own toughest critic.  So, I look into the mirror and affirm these:  I was never a perfect child, even though I made perfect grades, kept my room neat and watched over the younger siblings.  I was not a perfect wife, even though I allowed things to slide when I should have been more vocal.  I was not a perfect mom, even though I loved them with every fiber of my being..they had the audacity to grow into their own beings who disappoint me quite often in their treatment of others…did I teach that?  If not, its something they picked up..and yet, they make me proud sometimes for the very reason I just mentioned…balance..THAT I did teach, ~shrugs~  definitely not perfection.  I am not a perfect friend. I tend to let my own emotions color how I see things and say what I think or feel, and that makes people uncomfortable sometimes.  I am not a perfect woman…weight, height, manner of speech..definitely not perfect.  And yet, with all those affirmations of imperfection, we are “perfect” without even trying to be.  There are things we do for others that they term “perfect”.  We have talents and gifts that work quite well for us, so that would be considered a degree of “perfection”.  So why is it that we can’t let ourselves off the hook when we come up short in our own ledger?  We have this inner desire to be the best, to achieve that which others see as unattainable.  Those of us with control issues, well that places extreme need to attain this goal.  What we do we feel is a reflection of who we are, and that is not true.  Our value is not based upon outward appearance, our actions, speech, faith.  No, who we are is based upon soul, spirit that resides deep within.  While all the other can affect some of what the world sees, it is that secret self that we tend to hide from others that truly defines who we are.  It is nestled deep within us, giving us strength to persevere in the face of adversity, to believe in ourselves when others do not, guides us when we are struggling to find our way.  We have a tendency to brush off others compliments or acknowledgement of  things that we do or say that may resonate within them, but that too is disbelief that  anything we have to offer is of value.  So how to reconcile the two halves? It’s a challenge I will admit.  It took me years to accept that I had anything to offer for anyone, but with my guides constantly in my head, putting to rest demons from episodes past that no longer have power to harm me, and a long  look in the mirror to see the “real” me..I’ve come closer to it.  It isn’t perfect by anyone’s standard but mine, and while that may surprise’s fine by me.  I am the one who has to live with spirit and see that there is value in what I offer, both to others as well as myself.  It can be a struggle when there are trying days, but I shrug my shoulders and put one foot in front of another and start again.  That is the “perfect” part of life…we get to start over.  Failure isn’t fatal..and there are degrees of that as well.  Why use others yardstick to determine what works for us in our world?  All that matters is what  feels right to us.  How we view ourselves, the way we practice our path, our self worth, that is not defined by anyone but ourselves.  Perfect huh?  Yes…yes it is, and that is what makes it perfectly amazing.

Lighten up…laugh a little…I swear it won’t break your face

I’ve been stirring the pot..just a little.  I have a new page on facebook, “if you can’t handle this how are you going to handle the burning times”.  It has cartoons of witches in cartoons, videos as well as Halloween  funnies.  I did this for several reasons..First, I think they are funny as hell, a friend suggested I make the page, and I wanted  to tweak others noses a bit.  Why would I do that?  Well…it can be amusing and sometimes one needs the laugh, and also because there was a witchy cartoon posted and people began going off on stereotypes of the witches portrayed around the cauldron.  Dressed in black, pointed hats, ugly faces…Yeah, that depiction has been around for a long time.  Hollyweird tweaked it with their movies so now not all witches portrayed that way.  What is is that people resent about this?  As far as the cartoon is concerned, I find it funny.  Why?  well because it bears no resemblance to any witch I know.  People expect witches to dress in black and have pointed hats…know why?  Black was associated with “evil” and shadow which is where “evil” resides, so witches dressed as such according to those who proclaimed it that way back in the day.  The pointed hat?  It came about during the real burning times in which innocent people were tortured into admitting they were witches.  The hats represent the steeple of the church, and it was placed upon said victim’s head as a way of placing them back under the “protection” of the church.  But why get all twisted over cartoons that still portray witches as ugly evil beings?  Majority of them are hilarious, and truthfully since we don’t resemble that image, why get your skivvies in a knot?  They aren’t a true representation, nothing about the cartoons are real life, so why not laugh at it and move on?  Why waste energy being angry about things.  I have heard so much about how badly witches are portrayed…puhleeze.  While I will admit that to label oneself a witch can bring derision from some, religious rhetoric from others, have you ever considered that sometimes it is because of whom they are speaking about?  I’ve run into a few who call themselves witch and then toss out the most amazing fluff and glitter.  I have to laugh because they spill the “love and light” shit and refuse to practice witchcraft..Umm..just how does one justify the label witch then?  If you don’t practice..are afraid to cross an invisible line in the sand, then you are most definitely not a witch.  if you cannot curse, you cannot heal..One has to be balanced.  So instead of going off on the depiction of witches in cartoons, why not make the effort to educate others as to what that really means here in the real world. And for pity’s sake…laugh for god’s sake.. Life is too short to go nuts over a damn cartoon.



Sometimes things are not always what they seem

People freak out of the weirdest things.  Take dreams for instance.  People dream things and they immediately think things are as they seem.  Now I dream things such as going to the swamp to see Maman, but those are more like “visions” because I don’t always have to be asleep..I can will myself there if I need to.  Those are EXACTLY as they seem.  But for the most part, dreams are symbolic.  Jung and Freud both tell us that we solve our life’s issues in our dreams.  We are free to act out things we would not ordinarily do when awake and then we also learn lessons from them.  Sometimes warnings, other times not..but we need to learn to be able to decipher them without getting all upset and running around with a “sky is falling” chicken little routine.  Like death for instance.  As with tarot when that card comes up, it doesn’t actually mean real physical can, but the majority of time, it means a BIG change…Either physically or spiritually.  Water means death, or rebirth depending on what is going on in the dream.  I always recommend people invest in a dream dictionary and write their dreams down.  Sometimes our guides like to mess with our heads to see if we are paying attention and drop something into dreams, and they may not make sense on the surface, but when one starts dissecting things in the dreams, it all begins to fall into place.  So learn to look for things going on in your life and pay attention to the details because things arent always as they seem in dreams…

to contemplate, watch, observe..fine..but what did you learn?

I’ve been able to go through life as a watcher/observer of people and their nature.  It’s fascinating really to see how they behave in a myriad of situations.  So sometimes when I am on a group page, I am content to watch what plays out there or not say much for others doing the same thing.  My problem has been lately with people who for whatever reason, join groups and don’t participate.  Now I have couple that I don’t say much on, because truthfully in my path, I don’t have a lot in common with some of those that contribute there, but I do occasionally make a  comment or two if something piques my interest.  This can be any group, whether it be here on FB or in the “real” world.  People join churches, groups etc, and are content to just come through the door and experience nothing and walk away, all the while saying…”I belong to such and such”:.  Ok, technically, that might be true, but what are you truly getting out of the experience?  You belong to a certain denomination and can call yourself(insert denomination here)..but truly what did you learn?  You can recite doctrine and dogma til hell freezes over, but what influence on your life does it have?  Did it cause you to revamp your prayer life?…give aid to others less fortunate without standing on a stage demanding a pat on the back?  Make you think of others as human beings without judging them by a personal set of criteria?  In pagan path, one reads, speaks with others..but what are you learning?  I claim label of witch, because I practice my craft..if you don’t do that, you aren’t one, in most honest opinion.  I have plenty of books, recipes, rituals, etc and if I did not avail myself to use them, find out which ones worked for me, ones that I didn’t care for so much,they would all be a waste of paper and dust catchers.  I see many people who are not willing to work at gaining personal knowledge, and while I realize people learn in their own manner, sitting without making effort is NOT a valid way to achieve it.  Get off your ass and try things!  So what if your working didn’t go as planned?  Sometimes the best laid plans go awry and you’ll know to do things differently next time.  And who said things have to be perfect anyway?  We are imperfect, fallible human beings and a lot of what we do often seems to others as if its crazy.  But the point is…we did it..We tried.  Life would be a lot different now if adventurous souls had not tried things that nobody ever dreamed of.  We’d still be in the dark, no cellphones to cart around that we think has to be surgically attached, no computers to live on FB with.  Fact is, these people did not sit and watch others do the work for them.  They chose to try.  And I am almost positive that it didn’t go right the first time out of the gate.  So too is our spiritual life..We have to work at it.  Speaking with ancestors, to god in a conversational manner is often ritual or tool or big rigmarole required.  Just honesty…It will probably be the least judgmental conversation you’ve ever had in your life.  It will also, if you let it, be one of the most knowledge filled conversation.  Sometimes when we let go of all our hang ups, and fears of all the “what ifs”, things fall into place.  We learned what was needed to guide us. But we had to be proactive to receive it.  So next time you walk through the door(either virtual or real) and expect to receive something..ask yourself..what are you doing to help that along?  If the answer is nothing..then maybe it’s time to change that, or you will soon find yourself on the sidelines watching others receive what should have been yours. Fact of the universe…





I am shaking my head today in reading posts.  A friend is hosting a powerful prayer service for the full moon this month.  She posted the event here on Facebook for Oct 12, and anyone who wants to join in to pray/wish/spell for peace, prosperity, blessings to be rained down upon people can do so.  I am in favor of that.  I’ve always said that prayers are the most powerful spells I know…one prays believing that what they are petitioning for will occur…When I work, I am intent that what I am wanting to happen will do so.  Same principle.  A couple of comments caught my eye from a couple of so-called Wiccans.   They objected to the word prayer being used in a full moon timing.  What the Hell?  Semantics.  I just stated my beliefs as far as prayer goes.  Plenty of vodousaints also use actual scriptures in their workings..But these two objected because “Wiccans and pagans” don’t pray.  The hell you say.  I know some traditional Wiccans (those in coven setting) who would tell them that they are mistaken since the definition of prayer is “a solemn request or petition for help from god or object of worship”…Damn!  That sounds like spell work to me.  They showed their ignorance in their lack of knowledge of what that word actually entails or that respect for all as human beings coming together in one accord can change things.  They also said they only participated with 100% wiccan or pagans!  WTF does THAT mean?  Too often those not in a coven setting tend to pull various traditions together in an eclectic form and then still have the gall to call themselves “Wiccan” when in actuality they would be pagan because Wicca has definite things in that religion much like secular faiths.  The fact that my friend also practices vodou gave them the creeps I guess because its too dark and scary..Oh…….yet more ignorant asshats from the” love and light” brigade. (spits) One can use ANY faith to conjure demons..Think not?  Tell that to an abuse victim that placed their trust in someone in charge of a church.  Try explaining that to those who were cast out because of sexuality, race, ethnicity, or beliefs that did not coincide with those who made up the dogma of any set faith they set up.  Explain that to those who bury their family members who died in service to this country and have to run the gauntlet of those asshats who protest under the guise of doing so for “god”.  Demons are conjured all the time, they just don’t always look as one might expect them to look.  For demons/daemons, angels…they just carry different names depending upon which path one is following or whom one is asking.  My problem with people such as these two ignorant asshats is that its always a “me vs “them thing.  I can’t use certain words or do things in a particular way because its too much like the christian folk.  REALLY?  Just read a history book to see how faiths borrow from one another and are intertwined in their practices.  One goddess is called one thing in one faith, something different or even the same name in another.  Yet they claim to be two different paths.  When we start using semantics and dissecting things to separate us from one another, we build walls.  When in actuality we should be tearing them down to discover that we are ONE race,,,,,HUMAN.  ALL are deserving of respect and love.   So anything that we pick up to divide us all just impedes the work that we could be doing.  This business of sorting us all into neat little cubbyholes is nothing more than a lesson in futility.  None of us fit into any one slot, there will always be a part that doesn’t quite fit.  What then?  Kick people out of the human race because they don’t fit your idea of what they should be?  Yeah, that sounds more than a little ridiculous, but its the same as the other two with their ignorance over the word usage.   Why not try and be constructive and add your positivity to the event instead of trying to cause strife and division?  Oh wait..that would require some positive energy on your part right?  My doesn’t exist, any more than knowledge of what that phrase “love and light” means.  It’s just another example of how much ignorance and fluff is walking around tossing out glitter like confetti.  It looks and sounds pretty, but doesn’t mean shit.  Just adds more garbage to the rhetoric and mounds of crap tossed out by others with the same kind of thinking.  It’s time we cleaned that mess up..all of us and stop using it as an excuse to keep dividing  us from being the respectful, responsible human beings the universe requires us to be.




What is it about life that people fear?  They have to or it wouldn’t be some big tragedy all the time.  It’s too hard, or so unfair, or everybody hates me…  Umm..newsflash:  It isn’t supposed to be easy or you would learn no lessons..not supposed to be fair or you would learn no lessons and not every body hates you because you dont know every body.  So why is it that people seem to think that they need something to make it just a little more tolerable?  Drink, drugs, prayer, magic….MAGIC?  Yeah…All of those things seem to be the norm, but the magical aspect I’ve seen often in people who believe in such(and there are many of us) that seem to think if one wears a certain type of jewelry, does a type of spell, is empowered by the saying of some words..things miraculously going to change…Grow the hell up! While I believe in empowerment and protection, just what are you doing to further such skills?  Grow a backbone and learn to stand on your own two feet.  I don’t mind asking the guides for assistance, but I believe that they think we are adult enough to try on our own first.  Not everything is solved by asking god to intervene…First of all, sometimes in the midst of said personal complications of life, there are things we could be learning both about ourselves as well as the situation we find ourselves in.  How are we going to do that if we expect to get bailed out all the time?  We have to learn to solve those issues on our own.  It builds character, intestinal fortitude and all around security in the knowledge that we can do things on our own and handle things in a grown up manner.  So next time someone whines about things or someone asks for something to help them get through some things…I won’t even bat an eyelash when you yell at them to get the fuck over it!…Someone needs to start telling the slackers off..It’s life people..get used to it or get the hell over it

WARNING: Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear

Warning: Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear…I’ve often chuckled at that statement.  I’m like duh…its a mirror, reflections are often larger so appear closer.  And yet we often take peek into that rear view of things that are either behind or or perhaps worse, gaining on us.  It was with these thought that I closed my eyes last night and awoke with a start, stumbling  in the dark in a very familiar place.  Ow!  Damn it…just where the hell did that chair come from? “Perhaps if you would stand still and stop flailing around like a bull in a china shop, you would not injure yourself” came a familiar acerbic voice.  George, I thought, looking around.  Magically the fire began going, the sweet smell of herbs wafting against me gently.  I was at maman’s, but I did not come by boat, nor do I remember the trip.  You “appparated” to coin a new age term laughed George. Okay this was confusing..did I just think myself here?  “So to speak” again replied George.  “Come Cher”,said Maman Celeste, “there is much to speak on”.  As I drew closer to the fire, I saw she was not alone…someone was with her.As he turned around, I recognized him instantly even though I had never seen him before..Baron Semedi.  “Allow me to properly introduce myself”, says Baron.  “I feel we are old friends although never having met face to face”.  He held out his hand, “I am Baron Samedi.  pleased to meet you Shae.”  As I took his hand, I was engulfed in such a warmth…the kind of heat one is introduced to when you eat way too many hot peppers.  It was almost too much to bear.  “It will pass”, Baron says gently.  Quickly as it came, the heat moves to a tolerable level and I am left with the the lingering warmth flowing through me.  “You are not afraid” says Baron.  I’m not sure if I should be or not I tell him.  I’ve hear others speak that you are to be feared .  I demand respect, not fear.  Those who fear me are children who know little.  “Are you going to listen to other’s ghost stories”, he asked?  They seem plausible I said.  “Don’t be ridiculous”, he says cuttingly, holding my hand a little more tightly.  At this, Maman, George and the hell hound all look up quickly.  I had forgotten that he still held my hand, I thought as I looked at it, and again felt the same heat as before.  Maman still looked at Baron, who smiled and said “I am not going to hurt her, relax”.  Again the heat subsided, and Baron took my hand and turned it over looking at the sigil that is still present.  “Do you know what this is”. he asked? My person sigil I replied. ” What does the spiral represent to you?”, he questioned.  It is a labyrinth, a path that I walk ordering my steps.  “Do you know what the cross is”?  It is the crossroads I tell him.  “Why is it connected into the spiral?” he asked.  I do not know I reply truthfully, although to be honest after the last time I told him that  it was a little unnerving.  He laughed. “Ma petite, it is acceptable that you do not know.  The spiral is connected to the crossroads because you have always been connected.  It is not a coincidence that you came back to this time and place in this time of the year.  You are child of ghede, a foot in both planes.  You speak to ancestors as you speak with myself, Celeste, even George without fear and with direct honesty.We have always been acquainted, perhaps not on a personal level as now but Brigitte has always protected your home, provided you with Brin who walks with you daily, and the others who provide you with sanctuary.  You are connected, always have been, always will be”.  And the elements, I say speaking of the other part of the sigil.  “Those are every day things,” he says dismissingly.  “if you walk a physical plane, one will always have the elements in one’s life”.  So…I say…what’s it for?  Baron laughs…”you will see in time.  For now, let’s just say its a reminder of who you are, have been and will be”.  “Now I must leave you Mon Cher.  But we will speak again.”  With that, he released my hand and kissed my cheek and was gone.  I kind of felt bereft as I turned to Maman Celeste who was busy at the fire fixing me a drink.  The warmth that I felt as Baron held my hand, was similar in kind to having found that sweet spot in your bed where its nice and comfy and warm, only to have someone pull all the covers off.  “Come child”, says Maman, handing me a drink.  “This will warm your ones”.  I was starting to shake a little, thinking how odd that I should feel this cold.  Maman laughed…”ghede always leaves a chill…its just their way”.  As I drank the coffee she gave me, I could taste chocolate, a little cinnamon and wait..maybe a little rum?  I looked at maman questioninly…She said…”you’re getting pretty good at sniffing out the ingredients, Cher”.  As I drank the hot drink, I soon began to feel more comfortable, almost human I thought to myself..What an odd thought..It’s not like I was the dead.  “No” said George…”just hang out with them”.  I laughed.  I do like cemeteries, I like speaking with the ones who reside within.  Soon my eyes seemed to want to close of their own accord.  “Sleep child”, said Maman.  “Brin will take you home”.  I could feel Brin’s arms enclose me next to her body.  Feel her heart beat beneath my ear.  It was a comforting sound, almost like I was a child again, being held close in safety.  All too soon a jarring sound awoke me…the damn alarm..a call to the real mundane and all that encompasses.  I could still smell remnants of Maman’s herbs and moss fire..wait..I was awake wasn’t I?  I looked over at the alarm..yeah who would dream that sound up?  The princess snuggled  closer to me, from where she had crawled into my bed last night.  I smiled, covered her and put my feet on the floor.  Looking at my hand, I still see the sigil, only this time I feel the warmth of holding hands with Baron last night,.  I touch my cheek where he had kissed me good by.  This is going to be an interesting journey I think to myself.  Let the dance begin.





There are lessons to be learned all around us.  I’ve always believed this.  The universe does not trifle with coincidences.  So how do we know what lesson is for us?  I am a firm believer in that still small voice that speaks to us on a regular basis that tells us that what was said or done is an outrage and we are to speak up boldly, or that we are to be more proactive in protecting ourselves or those we love because someone without regard to the value of life will cause them harm.  Kind of reminds me of the movie Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket as the conscience, guiding and trying to shape the puppet into a little boy.  So too is that small voice within us guiding, shaping and forming us into a human being of quality.  I see people all over both online as well as out in the mundane world who are constantly seeking first this way then that, looking for that place that feels like sanctuary for them.  The problem is that they get taken in by ne’er do wells who are out to make a profit from their innocence and willingness to swallow whatever ilk they throw their way.  Then there are those who hear the voice and yet are afraid to speak out, to reach out for what is their because of some unnamed fear that resides within.  To those I have to say, that fear is a healthy thing, it helps with self-preservation.  BUT, if we allow fear to paralyze us into not moving forward, then it defeats the purpose the universe had in mind for us.  And if we are pulled in a direction that feels right to us, then how are we to receive those gifts if we do not walk out onto the ledge?  We have to decide to listen or not…to move forward or walk away and perhaps be filled with the regret of “what if” and “what could have been”.  Life is a challenge, meant to be lived to the fullest as the gift that it is, filled with uncertainties, disappointments and yes, sometimes fear of the unknown.  But we cannot sit on the bank and watch the river flow past without at least getting our feet wet.  I am not content to wade in the shallows, I am out in the middle, neck deep, feet planted firmly as the current flows around me.  Waiting for that next perfect wave to push me further downstream until I can slide in sideways and reflect back on what a hell of a ride that was.  I cannot allow myself to be afraid at every turn of the river, every bend of the trees above me thinking of things that could happen.  My inner spirit tells me I am where I need to be, walking with those who would guide me, shaking my head at those who want to scatter themselves like children picking the candy up off the ground that has been tossed like they’ve just experienced Mardi Gras.  .  They want others to write down step by step what they are to do, what tools to use, what words to say…Non, mesi..they can have it…that would be too much like sitting on a pew somewhere reciting dogma and that is so not for me.  Learn to trust that inner voice.  Listen  to it.  it will never guide you astray.  Its only when we second guess ourselves that things often go awry.  Listen to your guides..they too have your best interests at heart.  And don’t let your fears hold you back…you are the only thing standing in your way.  Be bold, be courageous and above all else, be true to who you are and are destined to become.