So…here we are again on a cool first day of fall and the time of year I love the most is marred because of asshats with no real grasp of respect for humanity. See, I don’t get the need that some people have to always be right, to know all there is to know on a subject and display said “knowledge” and either imply or say outright that others are stupid for not seeing things their way. I don’t know what kind of manners their mama raised them with, but that is just unacceptable to me. Someone is allowed to have a different opinion without having to be castigated over it or deemed to be irreparably damaged in their side of the brain that handles the intelligence quotient. It does not allow someone, however facetiously they may claim to have been, drag that person through the mud and slur them on lack of knowledge. Or their perception of someone’s knowledge. My feel is that we all sit at the table of humanity, and all have something valid to offer. Some are just the appetizers, a little fluffy, not something to fill up on..couple bites, move on. Others are the salads and soups, they offer a little more knowledge and can fill you up if you choose to do so, but then you miss out on the whole gastronomical experience. So then you come to the main course. It doesn’t matter how many there are…suffice it to say that its filling, nourishing and well thought out. Those are the kind of people to incorporate into your life. They feed your soul, spirit and mind. Then of course you have desert.. there are those who can be so sweet it sets ones teeth on edge, but perhaps like myself, you enjoy a little fruit and cheese with the wine and those type of people are enjoyable with their warmth and effervescence that it makes the sometimes long journey of the meal seem worth it. The fact is..all have something to offer in the way of nourishment..some more than others. But we all participate and as such should be offered a modicum of respect. Then there are the other various people who help the meal, as it were ,move along. They provide a place to gather, serve topics, keep out the riff raff(those who would cause problems), and sometimes they are caught in the middle of all the debate and mayhem that ensues. It’s not their fault. Some people just do not know how to have intelligent discussion without lowering themselves into the gutter and belittling others. I’m hoping their parents taught them respect and humility, but one never can be too sure these days. Sometimes its a “I’m not face to face with you so I can say or do anything I want without retribution”…I’m chuckling here because in many cases that may be true, but never piss off someone who practices or it could be unhealthy, depending upon how mad they get. One never knows what kind of ethics they may or may not have. But why would one not want to be respectful to others online or otherwise? Do they not want to walk in a more positive frame or is it that they like carrying around all those bricks in their pocket? I’m not curious enough to look…because while at first I might get a little ticked, it’s almost humorous for me now because unlike some…I look both ways before I cross the street. Sometimes a bus comes right out of the blue and one would not want to be tossed under it because of some “stupid” remark. So the next time you sit down to the table, take the time to give thanks for what you are about to receive, and listen without engaging your mouth. The brain works better that way, trust me. It will also do more for the digestion of knowledge, and might even help you stay healthier in the long run.