
Invisible, here, not here

don’t speak here, say nothing there

Your knowledge is immaterial

and yet…some listen anyway.

Why? What difference doe it all make


Who cares if what is known has truth?

what does it matter if  my spirit bleeds from keeping silent?

The guides say speak, others say teach

man says shut the fuck up..

What to do? Where to go?

How do I explain that I can’t…others aren’t willing…

Am I losing what I have?  Did I ever have anything?

Things seem to be shadowed by fear…

Who’s fear?  Mine? Others?  Are they one and the same?

My tears fall in frustration…I cry out to the guides

but they are silent….I’m out here alone I rail…





It’s not you, it’s me

Ever notice that no matter what you do, someone, somewhere will ALWAYS turn it into something about them?  I write my blogs, and while sometimes there may be a grain of truth about someone, I never name them nor do I put their “crimes’ on front street.  And yet ,sometimes, it is just observation about what I see around me..nothing more.. Yet,I still  get snarky comments from people who are sure that its always about them.  What is it that makes people  ASSume that it’s always about them?  I mean, I have had conversations about Dorothy with friends before and so to have someone think that was written about them was just silly actually.  Same with other things I write.  Just a lil FYI….I write to clear my head..some days dealing with someone who has early stage dementia and gets pretty manic can take a lot out of me..I lose my patience and need a release before someone gets hurt.  I need to put things down so that I can see it in black and white and find a solution in among the thorns…I need to be able to find a way to just smell the flowers and not let it become a personal attack on myself.  Sometimes I don’t even publish goes into a private spot and stays there…it’s about getting it out so I can think clearly and rationally.  I highly recommend it for anyone who needs someone to talk to and thinks they don’t have that.  Very cathartic.  So if by chance you happen to see something in a blog and think it sounds like you that I am speaking about..take a few moments and ask yourself why.  What is it that you hide from others that make you feel that way?  Check the mirror because I have not pilfered through your closets..I am not interested in the skeletons you may have hidden.  I have a life, am trying to find the balance in it in every moment of it, and you just are not on the list to placate and hold your hand saying..”am so sorry if you are butt hurt”…Because in reality…It’s all about ME…my feelings, MT thoughts, MY desires, dreams….And if you cannot accept advice is to not read it, because as I said..I don’t have the time for the childishness of it.



The blame game

I often find it amusing and interesting to sit back and watch people as they go about their daily lives.  It is a great teacher of not to act, react, deal with drama, etc.  What often confuses me and aggravates me to no end is the “it’s not my fault” people.   You know the ones..they are the ones that if something happens in their life it is because someone else did or did not do something that caused it. I have no patience for that kind of mentality.  It is self-serving in that victim kind of way and is nonproductive in that one has no clear agenda on how to achieve one’s goals without blaming others for not reaching them.  I am so against that kind of “poor me” mentality.  To me it’s just a waste of time and energy..probably why I have a running argument with friends about Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz(ok, those who know me well can stop shaking your heads and turn away cause ya’ll know what’s coming,lol)..Anyway..back to Dorothy…she is the type of character that makes one want to slap with all her whining and poor me, I’m so persecuted shit.  I know it’s for entertainment purposes, but work with me here…  She refused to take responsibility for letting her little dog run amok in the neighbor’s chickens and bit the neighbor  as she runs away rather than face the music.  When she finds herself in a strange place..she whines, and collects 3 insipid losers who want to hold her hand and make it all better rather than telling her to suck it up cupcake…it’s called life, deal with it!  Then she allows herself to receive stolen property and wonders why someone would be highly pissed at the thieving of their inheritance and what is rightfully theirs..all because someone has weird notion of good/evil.  I always want to slap the saccharine out of that bitch Glinda who is truly the evil one here..I  mean, first she steals the slippers off a dead witch then gives them away without thought to family members who are understandably upset, and then sends the simpleton Dorothy off on a journey to nowhere because in the end, she always had the power to go home…WTF?!?!  Now granted, the victim and her group of loser friends truly have a right to be pissed at the master manipulator, but they brought a lot of things on themselves by not thinking things through and in truth life is like that ….there are people who manipulate the situations to fit their whims then wonder why people get upset about it.  But it all boils down to us actually.  We can play the victim and react..badly, and I have been guilty of that..or we can shake our heads, and consider the source and move on…That is where I am now…I can’t change things, no matter how much I would like to sometimes…and I cannot make people be anything other than who or what they are…so I’m changing the rules to the game.  No more blame laid at the door of others…whatever happens, it’s all on me..and I kind of like that..because it makes me think about things, and how to act instead of react…. And that makes me quite content today.



Reclamation of Self

I’ve been a little snarky as of late..I don’t know if its a b y product of mercury coming out of retrograde or it’s just that I am tired of things as they have been.  Maybe it’s  a combination of both.  ~shrugs~…So this is new moon, and VOC, so perfect time to step inside and clean house metaphorically and physically.  I have been “sitting” for a time…and not sure I really know why except that I didn’t feel the need to work, didn’t have anyone that “needed” a kicking atm, so I did lazy and complacent…til the web was plucked…What a wake up call!  So then I got busy revamping a few things, and decided to end a few things going on.  To one who did the unforgivable of turning back on family, no matter your “truth”, it’s over.  I am able to see past things and will tell you that those who gave you roots, wings to fly, no longer exist…they’ve all been changed.  You should probably check your mirror, it has a crack and the view has been skewed by one who has no clue what you’ve truly lost.  I stepped into the void and buried what was, what could have been and no longer is.  To one who asked if I send things to you…the answer is no…you call it to yourself.  the shiamat who destroys you in dreams is of your own making.  I will tell you why that is though.  Your whole life is made up of a web of lies.  One cannot even begin to untangle the end to find just one small glimmer of truth.  the lies are over simple things when the truth would be so much easier to take.  You began with good intent, you felt…then it grew like some huge mushroom overnight outside of your window, obscuring the view of truth.  You let it continue to grow and then it exploded covering all with its stench and matter that it will never be able to wash off completely.  This is what keeps you ill…it fills your life because you cannot bear to really look  into that mirror and accept your part of the betrayal of those who did you no harm.  If the truth cannot be stated, the door must close.   The one who feels that I am “savior” friend, teacher…I am none of those things..I am just me.  While  I may occasionally throw a life line, I cannot save you from the rapids if you insist on carrying all those stones in your pocket.  I will not step out into the do so will harm me and I have just now found a safe place to be.  let go of the stones, and place your feet on the bottom..You can stand if you will try it.  otherwise, i am sorry to watch you drown.

I am blessed to have friends who help me out with encouragement , and humor when things are little difficult.  One amazing gift that the universe blessed me with teaches those who are considered “unteacheable”..the children that have problems due to drug use while their mothers carried them, abuse that has removed them from homes, children with legal issues from homes that care less what they did.  She does this with love and warmth…I kind of want to be her when I grow up,lol.  her positive outlook on life makes me smile just thinking about her.  And yet she has days when she does not recognize her worth..I remind her occasionally.  Another friend is learning that she is not the label the world has thrust upon her.  It’s an interesting transformation to watch.  She too makes me smile.  So, is this reclamation of self  for many of us a coincidence?  I don’t believe in them.  The universe has purpose and as such allows things to unfold for us in its due time.  And I think it’s been coming for some time, we just wouldn’t shut up and listen…so shaking off the negativity of what was, labels that did not describe us in the first place and damn sure don’t now, as we stand before the mirror, empowered and becoming whole. I’m kind of digging the new scenery actually, and those who still hold onto that old shit they kept throwing our way, it will not be a pretty sight when the mushroom finally explodes.  Just don’t expect me to stay and watch.




Was looking at a posting on group page of core beliefs in a hundred words or less.  Not as easy as one thinks really because for one thing…it makes us all have to sit down and be concise in our wording, as well as what the hell we really do believe in that would in a sense fit in a nutshell.  I posted, but facebook seems to have eaten that posting, so will try and post it here:

I believe that we are all connected one to another through energy that is given us from the universe, whether higher power, deity, whatever one believes in personal perspective.  I pull from ancestry to mesh with things I have chosen to include that will construct a spiritual path for myself because this path is a reflection of who I am rather than what I do.  I believe that we are all one race..human, and as such should be adult enough to give respect even if others do not afford the same… and if they cannot do that.. we  eat their souls


Ok, that last part I was being a little facetious, but, it seems reasonable to want to kick people’s ass if they have no respect for others because it tells me they don’t have much for themselves either.  The other part..that is true reflection of who I am.  I don’t try and feed people a line of bullshit, making them think I am other than what they see.  I am human and have my days of snarkiness like everybody else.  I am not perfect so don’t expect everything that I believe or do on this path to be that way either.  I believe that we all have gifts and are supposed to use them, whether its healing, teaching or passing on the knowledge we acquire along the way.  that may not work for you, but my guides tell me that is the path I am on.  Do I always listen?  Nope..told you if I were deity, I could do as I please and not stumble, but once in awhile I have to be reminded that I have things to do.  I don’t have time for labels either.  I am human being, child of the universe as is everybody else.  Calling myself anything but student of life is bit much for me.  I know it works for some, but I just cannot do it.  They step out on stage and demand attention because of what they know.  Some are damn good at what they know, and others are just as good at the sleight of hand and manipulation that is required for that entertaining show.  I have no desire to show all the facets of the mirror that make up myself.  I like being in the shadows watching learns a lot.  I am out more than I have been in a while, and was reminded that when I do so I should up that shield.  I’ll not forget  that lesson anytime  soon.  The thing is this was a sweet little exercise because it requires thought…what do we believe, why we do so and be direct and to the point instead of meandering around and dredging in dogma, doctrine or any of that other rhetoric that one seems to get caught holding.  So if you have a chance, and want a challenge..try this yourself.  One hundred more NO less…define yourself and your beliefs so that others may catch a glimpse as to what makes us tick .





A few truths

Most would agree with the statement “truth is relative”..It essentially means that we all have a perspective on what is “true” and as such we tend to see things from that view.  But even in the midst of all that perspective, facts do not change.  if something is what it is, then one needs to be able to accept that.  If A +B=C, then it doesn’t matter that you feel it should be something else…changing the facts will not make it so.  I’ve read some things about one who felt such guilt over how many crystals and stones are mined or found to the point of taking all they had and throwing them into the ocean or a lake(I forgot which), but the point is…why?  Did none of those stones call their name?  Were they not serving purpose when they “owned” them?  Then there is the person who feels too much guilt to eat meat..Seriously…do the plants they eat not feel anything?  All living things have energy..just ask a scientist…so I find it ridiculous that people will go over the edge and be extreme in their “truth”.  It’s the same with other things.  I read energies..know people…always has been that way.  Just because you lie to me, and I don’t happen to call you on it(I pick my battles)…it does not mean that I believe what you just said.  It just means I don’t think you are worth any of my time and energy to kick your ass…at the moment.  What it does mean though is that I will not believe another damn word that comes out of our mouth.  if you tell me the sky is blue, I will poke my head out and look before I believe that piece of truth from you.  Just because you spin it, fold it, twist it and resize it to suit yourself….the facts do NOT change…so if truth is really what you speak..make sure you use facts and back that up or it might be a bit messy when it all hits the fan.



time and purpose

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3

I am reminded of this today, because first when I got to work we received word that a mechanic who works with us had passed away last night, and in the next few hours I got news that a cousin and his wife had their first child this morning.  Life and death… a time for all of us.  I am not a big believer  in coincidence.  I believe that there is a time and purpose for all things.  Having a “bad” day?  maybe you overslept because you forgot to set the clock, and things went downhill from there…It happens..perhaps your body needed a little more rest and subconsciously you did that.  It triggers a chain reaction affect, but it is what it is.  I believe that everything we encounter in our life has a purpose.  it’s either a lesson, a way to look at a situation in a new light, or a way of making you stop short to reassess your current direction.  Even mundane things like family drama that play out…harsh criticism, a kid who cuts you off from their family because of other shit beyond your control..maybe that is to cause you to think about that family dynamic in a new light…and if it comes back to bite them in the ass, I might be persuaded to not say “I told you so”, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.  It is hurtful and then makes its way to anger, and then well…things happen I guess,lol.  People always want to look for a reason why things would happen..and sometimes even if we don’t understand it, there is a purpose for it.  Reading over the verses, one could apply it to almost any situation we encounter.  It’s not because we are “bad” people and are getting bitch slapped by the universe…things have a purpose.  it is up to us to look for that purpose.  No, I don’t believe that kids with cancer are being punished…but maybe the purpose there is for us to look at that situation and treat the other people in our lives whether they be connected by family, jobs, or just a chance encounter, a little more kindly.  What if the purpose would be for us to check the status of our lives and find a way to dance in the midst of the storms?  We all get so caught up in the existence of our day to day that we often forget to live.  To reach out and smell those roses blowing in on the breeze, to feel the warmth of the sun on our face,  to dance in the puddle that have a sheen of rainbow dancing across them after a summer shower.  Everything has a time and purpose, and while we may not always appreciate the timing of the things that happen in our lives, it is there for a reason.




protection dream

Ever have a dream that seems so off the wall that it seemingly makes no sense?  We all have I guess, but I had one about protection that made me wonder just what I had eaten the night before to dream so lucidly and yet in such a bizarre manner.  That I was seemingly being overwhelmed by things in my daily life was an understatement , so sleep seemed a refuge.  Little did I know it was going to be an adventure.  I soon found myself sliding down to my favorite place of a glen of some sort, sitting by the fire just relaxing, enjoying the warmth and solitude.  Then my guide, Brin, comes to me and tells me that we are going for a walk.  I’m thinking “NOW!?!”,,I am tired ffs! ” But it will do no good to try and argue, so I get to my feet and follow.  We come to this massive tree, and Brin tells me that I am to enter.  Really?  I am to go inside a tree?  Shaking my head, I do so, and it seems like a long ass staircase going down…down….down. I ever going to get to where I am supposed to be going?  Finally after what seems like hours, I reach the bottom of the  staircase.  I come to this place that seems a little gloomy, moss hanging in trees, which confuses me since that is only seen when I visit Maman Celeste..Have I come to another area of the swamp?  “Welcome Cher”, I hear from somewhere above my head.  It is not a voice I recognize although the greeting is familiar.  I look around and above me are 3 of the hugest spiders I have ever seen.  They start to descend towards me on their webs and as they get closer I realize just how huge they are.  I start to back up, and the one farthest back says to the others”she’s afraid..we are wasting time on this one because?”  “We have been asked to share with her”, says the first one.  They reach the ground beside me, dwarfing me actually, and the first one one tells me “My name will be unpronounceable to you, so you may call us as you will, and it will be acceptable”..Oh joy..I get to “name” them..Well, let me get my bearings, and think a second.  Ok then, Pierre, Jean, and George.  “Oh very clever”, says the third..He seriously is getting on my last nerve..I don’t know where the hell I am, don’t have a clue what this is about, who they are and why we are thrown together and he’s done nothing but make snarky comments since I arrived.  “Quiet George” says, Pierre.  “Cher, you have been sent to us because you need to work on your protection.  The light shield, is just not cutting it for you since your workings have been stronger.  You need to protect yourself from the attacks coming your way from some who want only to cause harm”.  I am confused.  who wants to cause me harm?  I haven’t gone out of my way to try and antagonize people…only kick when it’s warranted…”I think she’s slow” says George…And I think you are more than a little rude and obnoxious I think about George at which point Pierre and Jean laugh out loud.  Ok, I am a little slow, but can be forgiven since this is new for me, right?  They can read my thoughts so know what I am thinking. “Yes, says Pierre..we read your thoughts.  Your face is also most expressive so its not difficult for us to do.  So, pull up a seat and we will try to explain .  I look around and spy a mushroom, and it looks comfortable, so I sit…thinking this is my own personal version of Alice in Wonderland?  I think I could have done so much better in the details.  Pierre laughs again.    “You can decorate anytime you come back” he says.  So…where do we begin?  I ask Pierre.  I am avoiding George due to his obnoxiousness, and slight smell that kind of makes me want to ask him where the hell he’s been..under a rock somewhere I’m sure…  Jean who has been quiet thus far speaks finally.  “I am to teach you how to make your web, Cher”.  A web?  I am to spin or weave a web?  Is this on a loom somewhere?  I don’t know how to do this stuff! I think I am losing my mind…”Come with me”, says Jean.  I walk with him and he explains that yes, he will provide all the materials and show me how to weave the simplisticly complicated web of protection for me and my space. ” This is protected space, so you can always come here”, he says..”and don’t mind George..he’s been out among things we don’t even care to discuss with humans…it’s why the scent lingers”.  FFS…I am so going to have to watch what I think…Jean chuckles, and we enter  a small building that is beautiful to behold.  It has lavenders and purples, irridescent blues…colors that make me happy just to think of them.  And in the middle of the room sits an old loom that looks like it has existed since time began.  Jean leads me to the loom, and bids me sit, which I do.  He then begins to gather what I had originally thought as wall color but realize is silk threads.  He brings them to the loom and shows me how to place it on the loom, and soon I am following his instructions, over, under, through, around…Soon I lose track of time and begin to feel slightly jazzed from the energy.  it’s a pleasant feeling of creation and one that I haven’t felt in a long while.  After I have been there awhile, just weaving along, Jean checks my progress.  “This is impressive Cher”, he says.  “You have caught on well”.  So what do I do with this new skill and this amazing web I have just weaved I was wondering.  “Your guide will help you hang them” Jean tells me.  Like curtains I am thinking…”similar”, he laughs.  soon I am finished with my project and Jean helps me remove the beautiful web and carries it out the door, leading me back to where the others wait for us.  “George will carry it up for you”, says Pierre.  I arch my eyebrows, but say or think nothing more.  “He is the only one of us who travels”, says Jean.  So George gathers up my web and we begin the long ascent up the staircase.  “You did well for a novice”, George tells me grudgingly. “Thank you”, I tell him.  As we reach the top, Brin, my guide is waiting for us, and she takes the web from George.  He nods to her then turns to go back downstairs.  He turns to me once more and says..”take care of yourself, and we are always here if you have need of us..anytime”.  smiling slightly, he turns.  “Thank you George”, I tell him smiling a little myself, for its not every day one wins over a spider.  Brin leads me to the edge of my space and we then begin the task of hanging my web.  I’m not sure it’s enough, but she smiles, and soon there is web shining beautifully in the firelight all over the place.  How did it become so large I wonder.  I feel completely spent, so sit closer to the fire and Brin begins to sing to me.  it’s not a language that I know how to  speak, or even if it is indeed a true language but it speaks to my spirit, and I soon lay my head in her lap and drift off.  When I wake I am surprised to find that I am still  here in sacred space and not out and about the mundane plane where I live life.  Brin tells me that alarms went off, so we must check the web.  We walk to the edge and I am more than a little curious as to what is exactly there.  I am surprised to see a woman that I know..well, not personally but she is connected to people that I do know personally and has been having issues with.  She is standing there with fangs bared, demanding to know who was I, little nobody witch that could construct such protection! She rants and rails, and yet we say nothing to her, just adjust a slight fold in the web and then Brin leads me back to the fire she has rebuilt.  What just happened I ask.  Brin smiles, and says that the attack was known to be coming, so all concerned decided I needed to up the protection.  So will she come back?  No..she now knows that this is not a place she can gain access to..pisses her off, but she will go back to her original targets.  I shake my head and try to wrap my head around the realms and things I am learning.  I close my eyes again, and this time when I awake, I am returned to my bed.

Now  time has passed  since the dream, and yet the details are vivid. Especially when I see the firelight cling off the colors of my web. I am still amazed  that I was able to construct such a thing of beauty.  I have reason to think that I will be making a trip back down the tree to see the spiders, things that I dismissed before, are showing me that was an error in judgement to do so.  The protection not only keeps me protected as I work, but those living within the confines of the realm are also affected..Yeah I know, “what affects one stone reflects on all”.  So, this time when I return to the spiders, I will have at least some rudimentary idea of why it is I have come and what is expected of me.


Peace Out

Yeah, it’s a southern thang

I’ve been having a conversation with friends on Facebook today that amuses me.  Of course, the friends are amusing as hell as usual, but the topic of conversation is one that I’ve actually had before about the differences in people from the north and south.  I posted a cute little status about being from the south and all the words I use in my daily life, ain’t, ya’ll(and that is plural as well as singular..don’t let it confuse you,lol), fixin(as in I’m fixin to go to the store..need anything?), yonder, which can be a direction, a certain spot where something is located.  Bless your heart is not often meant the way you think it is….”they can’t help how they are, bless their heart”.  We also got to talking about the differences between people and why “true” southerners feel that we often get the shaft from people above the Mason-Dixon line.  “We” often feel that southerners are perceived to be ignorant, lazy, racist and just plain stupid at times.  Way off base, although we have a tendency to view northerners as rude and obnoxious.  So what do we feel make up the qualities of a true southerner?  Well, for one thing, we don’t include Texan or Florida in that list because Tx is its whole other country, and while Texans did indeed fight in the War Between the States, it was not a state, nor was Florida, so….we have limited list..Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia..What characteristics do we feel is the epitome of a southerner?  Well, it’s all about family…natural born, extended, ‘adopted” and those we just take in off the street because it is the thing to do.  We have an open door policy for family and friends..drop in any time. even during meal time, and you will be set a place at the table(although be warned that your manners will be talked about after you leave for doing so,lol).  Respect is given to the elderly for they are our community leaders, and the ones who fought for freedoms that we often take for granted in our leisurely pace of living.  We remove our hats, place hearts over heart during the playing of the national anthem at all sporting events, listening quietly to the invocation even if that is not our path, because it is still the thing that is done in a mainly christian atmosphere.  We pull over to the side of the road to allow funeral processions to move through town, paying our respects to the survivors as well as the deceased, even if we did not happen to know that person.  Going “to town” even if that involves walking or driving a few blocks is always an event to be looked forward to since one never knows what “neighbor” one is likely to run into, and of course we always speak and say hello to those we meet.  Walking into the bank where the teller knows you by name is commonplace and makes you feel like you do indeed matter.  We help our neighbors without a second thought or thinking of getting some kind of remuneration for doing so…neighbors are our friends, sometimes family even.  Yard sales are a big thing throughout the community, and you may find some just to make a few extra bucks or it could be for some sort of charity, so all come to check it out.  Small town festivals, like the classic car one that happens the first Saturday after Labor day here in my town is a big hit.  It pulls in artisans, musicians, food venders and of course those awesome cars from days gone by, and a great time is had by all, as well as providing a needed economic boost for the town itself.  It’s more of a way life, being southern.  Community, schools, church, football, NASCAR, they all find their way into our every day life.  We live, eat, breathe it..It is who we are and we wouldn’t trade it for any other way of living. Children are our future..we push, cajole, threaten and demand that they want to go further than just high school…the graduation rate here in our town is over 98%, which is damn good.  Of those majority go on to college, even if its just for 2 yr Jr College to help further the skills they have.  We encourage them to give back for those gifts the universe has provided, so charity is learned at home.  Common courtesy is one of the mainstays of the community as a whole, although you will find asshats everywhere, no matter the direction one is from, and it is that sense of community that ties us together, no matter what part of the south we are from.  Even if one has been gone from the area for some time, our roots still make us proud to be called “child of the south”.  The memories of summers running barefoot with cousins, friends, siblings, eating fresh produce from the garden, chasing fireflies in the dusk until we are called in to be bathed and some family time before bed, still make us smile.  While I understand that those “up north” would probably take umbrage at the distinctions I have drawn, and will tell me that  they too have some of these same qualities, and I applaud that.. I just haven’t seen too much evidence of that in my travels.  I guess I would say that in my opinion, being a “true” southerner is more than an accident of birth.  It has to do with the connection that one feels to the earth, how grounded one feels in the roots set down by family, a relishing of our history, although some of it is not so pretty to look at, but can be learned from.  It is about being proud of who you are, flaws and all, and being a productive member of your community.  Respect and caring for one another that transcends boundaries of race, wealth, religion, or sexual preference.  It’s a work in progress, as it should be.  All in all, I am proud to be a daughter of the south..wouldn’t have it any other way.




Daloinge or udxl(depending upon who’s translation one wants to use) is the Cherokee word for shadow. My brother used he first one, and signed all his work as “shadow”.  He adopted that name after tracing our family roots and being given entrance to the tribe.  We are part of the Bear clan, and that is is part of his artwork, a big bear pawprint within the artwork itself.  I’ve been thinking of him a lot lately.  I guess because it is almost anniversary of his passing too soon(9 yrs next month) and of course his birthday is next month as well..autumnal equinox, born on the cusp of Virgo/Libra.  My brother, Rick, and I were extremely close.  “Irish twins” my Gran called us.  he was born 8 days before my first birthday, so I guess we were destined to do everything together.  I miss him more this time of year than any other ..maybe in part because our birthdays are so close and they are coming up, but also because there are things that I didn’t understand about our heritage that I would love to ask him about now.  Things about his spirit journey and about what the desert spoke to him that called him so often. I didn’t understand how he could want to live alone away from family out on the streets, and while I know some of it may have been attributed to his mental illness(schizophrenia), some of it was indeed spiritual.  It was reflected in his artwork which was so amazing.  he worked for some time for Harley Davidson at all the major bike shows, sometimes tagging along with some friends and drawing patterns for the tattoo shows as well.  I shook my head in amazement at all the places he went and the people he met.  But mental illness, drugs and alcohol often bring genius to its knees and he was no exception.  He got so sick before his death, that a man in Arizona put him on a bus to come home to me.  We never did find that person..divine intervention maybe, IDK…I had to become his guardian and have him committed to  make him stay in one place so that he could have the valve replaced in his heart.  That is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life..become responsible for someone else outside of my children for their mental, and physical well-being.  It hurt for him to face me with accusing eyes and demand to know why I was locking him up…I cried all the way home, even though I knew that it was for his benefit.  He had the surgery and I wore his ring..silver, tiger eye freeform, made on the reservation in Arizona especially for him.  “I get that back” he tells me smiling…”Maybe” I tell him, laughing.  He did in fact get it back….I put it on his finger when he was back in his room.  It is one of the few things that made it back home with his body upon his death.  I wear it daily now…it connects me with his spirit, I feel his presence when I look at it.  Someone once told me its a portal for him to come and go at will as our connection was very strong.  I don’t know if this is true, but it’s a comforting thought.  I’m not sure why I write about Rick tonight..maybe it’s because others have experienced loss and it connected with me..the difficulties in having a sibling with problems and how the family reacts to them…it’s difficult trying to be the “voice of reason” with someone who’s addictions coupled with mental illness makes them less than reasonable.  It’s hard trying to help pick up the pieces of their lives over and over again when they in their destructive madness seem intent on destroying themselves at every turn.  Sometimes people have to turn away because they can’t handle the pain..our parents did.  They loved him in their way I guess, but he always felt like he didn’t measure up to the military ideal of our dad,or  what my mother envisioned for his life as her only son.  She tried over and over again, but in the end, she could not be there for him when he was ill and needed a guardian.  Enter the ‘twin”. Rick even told his psychiatrist I was his twin…he was the shadow,I was the conscience.  Good analogy I guess.  I always have had opinion of how I thought he should be living and showcasing his work..but it wasn’t his ideal life, so was not to be. So tonight, I lift a drink in his honor and remember his wicked sense of humor that seems to be revisited in my son and grandson Benson, Check out his amazing artwork as I pull them out and look through them and smile as I look over old photographs of us as kids and play “remember when”… It’s been a nostalgic mood as of late, and I’m not sure what or why it’s there, so I’ll just use it to remember some of my favorite people and cherish the love that graced my life while they were with me, and feel the warmth of their spirit as they come.