Reclamation of Self

I’ve been a little snarky as of late..I don’t know if its a b y product of mercury coming out of retrograde or it’s just that I am tired of things as they have been.  Maybe it’s  a combination of both.  ~shrugs~…So this is new moon, and VOC, so perfect time to step inside and clean house metaphorically and physically.  I have been “sitting” for a time…and not sure I really know why except that I didn’t feel the need to work, didn’t have anyone that “needed” a kicking atm, so I did lazy and complacent…til the web was plucked…What a wake up call!  So then I got busy revamping a few things, and decided to end a few things going on.  To one who did the unforgivable of turning back on family, no matter your “truth”, it’s over.  I am able to see past things and will tell you that those who gave you roots, wings to fly, no longer exist…they’ve all been changed.  You should probably check your mirror, it has a crack and the view has been skewed by one who has no clue what you’ve truly lost.  I stepped into the void and buried what was, what could have been and no longer is.  To one who asked if I send things to you…the answer is no…you call it to yourself.  the shiamat who destroys you in dreams is of your own making.  I will tell you why that is though.  Your whole life is made up of a web of lies.  One cannot even begin to untangle the end to find just one small glimmer of truth.  the lies are over simple things when the truth would be so much easier to take.  You began with good intent, you felt…then it grew like some huge mushroom overnight outside of your window, obscuring the view of truth.  You let it continue to grow and then it exploded covering all with its stench and matter that it will never be able to wash off completely.  This is what keeps you ill…it fills your life because you cannot bear to really look  into that mirror and accept your part of the betrayal of those who did you no harm.  If the truth cannot be stated, the door must close.   The one who feels that I am “savior” friend, teacher…I am none of those things..I am just me.  While  I may occasionally throw a life line, I cannot save you from the rapids if you insist on carrying all those stones in your pocket.  I will not step out into the do so will harm me and I have just now found a safe place to be.  let go of the stones, and place your feet on the bottom..You can stand if you will try it.  otherwise, i am sorry to watch you drown.

I am blessed to have friends who help me out with encouragement , and humor when things are little difficult.  One amazing gift that the universe blessed me with teaches those who are considered “unteacheable”..the children that have problems due to drug use while their mothers carried them, abuse that has removed them from homes, children with legal issues from homes that care less what they did.  She does this with love and warmth…I kind of want to be her when I grow up,lol.  her positive outlook on life makes me smile just thinking about her.  And yet she has days when she does not recognize her worth..I remind her occasionally.  Another friend is learning that she is not the label the world has thrust upon her.  It’s an interesting transformation to watch.  She too makes me smile.  So, is this reclamation of self  for many of us a coincidence?  I don’t believe in them.  The universe has purpose and as such allows things to unfold for us in its due time.  And I think it’s been coming for some time, we just wouldn’t shut up and listen…so shaking off the negativity of what was, labels that did not describe us in the first place and damn sure don’t now, as we stand before the mirror, empowered and becoming whole. I’m kind of digging the new scenery actually, and those who still hold onto that old shit they kept throwing our way, it will not be a pretty sight when the mushroom finally explodes.  Just don’t expect me to stay and watch.



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