Bullying is a fact of life..it happens everywhere to everyone at one time or another. But just because it’s always been around, does that mean that it has to stay this way? I mean I know some who say that people get through and over being bullied while they were growing up.. really? Then why do things get triggered in certain situations when we go through them? In truth, they do affect us whether we want to admit it or not. So what to do about the things now? As adults(presumably)we have the power of self control and as such should be able to reign in our tempers. To pick on someone or take them out just because we can is not only ignorant, but reprehensible. We then wonder where the children get it from? They mirror what they learn from the adults in their lives. If they see bigotry and intolerance for others who are different, then that is what they will also show the world. I’ve seen postings on Fb where people encourage one to show empathy to that one lost kid in the hall and smile , say something positive. nice thought…if it happens. Majority of times, one is too wrapped up in their own drama to pay attention to the one lost soul out there until they see something happen between them and another individual who thinks it will be fun to make fun and ridicule them. And they will stand as watch as yet another victim falls prey. Very few have the guts to take a stand and say “this is NOT right”. But here’s the thing. I’ve seen a lot of these postings on people’s pages and know that I have seen some be just as guilty as that bully in the hall. If one posts something that does not align with what they perceive as ‘truth” , then they too go after that individual with both feet, demanding source, calling names as well as making them to appear to be a fool. Now in truth, the person probably has shown some stupidity in their post, and used woeful sourcing, but to call names and come down harshly because we have lack of patience for such types of people to me is a type of bullying. While it may offend the one individual, the negativity heaped upon the group as a whole lingers..”what affects one stone, reflects on all”…and yet one still posts about bullies. Is it because we refuse to acknowledge that at times, we too are the bullies, who demand others come up to our expectations? That our “truth” as seen from our perspective is the only way for a situation to be seen? Not everyone is going to come up to the standards we set for ourselves and others in our lives..fact of life. Some people are just not capable. So while we shake our heads at some who like to live in a fantasy world and not walk a path of truth, we can accept that that is their life, their path, and we have to learn to accept that whether we like it or not. If we expect the bullies(and that includes us all) to learn to do something constructive with themselves, then we need to learn to accept people’s differences in everything about them. We arent here to educate the whole world…we are here to learn how to live within it for ourselves. If by chance what we learn happens to help someone else, then so much the better..bonus gift from the universe. We need to learn to treat each other as human beings..one race, one love..one energy. It is this above anything else that will pull us together in a network of humanity.
peace out