Balance in my day

The universe never cease to amaze me in the way balance is achieved. In my busy running around of making sure the princess has all she needs and is healthy while her mom works, I got hit with 2 pieces of news. One friend lost her mom today. Wasnt unexpected..she has been ill for almost a year now, but still my heart grieves for her and her family in their loss. The other news came from another friend who had a health scare and the test results came back in her favor. I am excited about this because she has enough on her plate. I am reminded of the balance upon reflection of these two events, Death/life, happy/sad, everything that exemplifies what the universe is about. We dont often stop and look for these happenings in our lives, and its not often that one gets both halves in one day. Kind of makes our mundane day to day problems of “I didnt sleep well”, “I am in pain” etc..(endless list here) seem insignificant when we get to see both halves of the universe presented to us in a big way. I could whine about things that go wrong in my life, but what would be the point? I know that eventually there will be balance and I will not feel so stressed. To my friend Jan..I wish you blessings of peace. may you find solace in the love that surrounds you. To my friend Sunshine…I rejoice with you and am grateful that things are being reaffirmed in your life. Love you both.