Dream signals

I am a mess today. My emotions go from anger, cranky to almost in tears. I have a headache that comes and goes..and its all the dreams fault,lol. I had one that tells me something and I have yet to decipher it so its thrown me of kilter. We all dream, and they speak to us about things in our lives, things we need to know or sometimes they are just to amuse. The things we see in them are not always as they appear..death is about change, water can be life or death depending upon whom you ask. Jung described it as our collective unconsciousness..we are solving issues in our lives through the dreams. So the next time you get one of those that have left you wondering? Write it down, if you dont know anyone to spin it with, get a dream dictionary(even one online) and look for symbols among them then relate it to what is going on in your life. It’s to tell you something, and its better to listen or we might miss out on something important.