Con artists, posers, and other sundry

In our day to day , we often meet all sorts of people.  Some are intelligent, sincere, entertaining, and then you get the other end of the spectrum…the ignorant asshats, the boores, the ones who are con artist supreme and posers.  Those are the ones who drag our spirit down.  We see them groups we connect with, in our jobs, hell, even in our families at times.  You know immediately who they are.  They sweep in with some sort of air of authority as if to say, “look at me..I’m so awesome, and know it all”..while in reality, they are putting on an act.  The information they know, what little they do actually know is gleaned from sites online, other people and maybe a book or two.  They sometimes attach a label to themselves, because after all, their conceit knows no boundaries.  They add titles they have no business claiming, like High Priestess, Mambo, Druid and the like and in reality,they did not earn them, nor should they possess them.  Those titles are reserved for people who are leaders in the community..the ones who  teach, guide and lead others that would follow their instruction.  And yet we have those who con others into thinking that they know a great deal, when they usually are skimming their info from others around them.  We’ve all seen them…they swagger into groups and spout off  a few things, and then act as if all are to believe them.  It’s only when we sit back  and observe them, do we realize that they know little.   I mean why would claim to converse with spirits and yet have no working knowledge of tools one might use or intent…Just what DOES  one do with a called entity and have no purpose?  Sit around and shoot the breeze? I hardly think so.  And yet, they still reel off “knowledge” hoping that nobody is catching on that they are the ones “borrowing” from others.  There are the ones who steal- aka copy/paste from other sites into group places.  It’s great to want to share information..I can get behind that.  But if one does not give credit to those who chose to put it out their in the first place.  It is still stealing.  Why do they do this?  It’s an attention seeking thing.  They have little to offer themselves  in the way of actual knowledge and workings, so they gather those snippets of wealth from someplace online and post them for others to see, in the hopes that someone gives them an “attaboy” and holds them up as an example to follow.  Then there are those who come in , chat some, and slide off the rails seeking some hand holding, and then in the middle of it all, claim to be attacked psychically and victimized.  Again..seeking attention from those around them.  I really can’t understand why people such as these feel the need to do these things.  Are they that insecure in themselves that they constantly need to feed off others hard work and sometimes hard knocks in learning those lessons? Are they really so ignorant in their belief system that they constantly have to ask the basic of questions? And why the need to try and pretend that they know anything and yet when they open their mouth they show they know jack!  Perhaps they have some deep seated need to be considered “elite”..cream of the crop.  Is there something wrong with just being ones self?  However flawed that may be.  I don’t claim to be an expert by any means in any given path, but know a little something about the one I have carved out for myself.  There are aspects of others paths that I can converse on and be intelligent enough to hold a conversation on, but I recognize my limitations.   It’s why  I go into other groups actually..for the sharing of knowledge as well as to learn from others.  But hardly an me that implies that I might actually know something..yeah can hear my guides laughing at that one.  I have much to learn.  So what can we do when we run into these type of people, for they exist in every aspect of our lives…for one we can call them on the bullshit..tactfully(I try ya know,lol)…and if that isn’t possible for fear of upsetting the status quo of a group or job site…then choose to disassociate with the person in question.  We don’t share what we know with them, and are direct in our interaction to the point of being blunt.  Yeah I know that many of you that have gotten to know me well know that my honesty is usually of that variety, but hey, it’s only way I know how to roll~smiles~.  We are not subject to having these people in our lives you know.  We can exclude them.  So as we meander through this course of life and we come across these bottom feeders, for that is what they truly are, we should learn to recognize them for who and what they are and make no attempt to engage them or involve them in anything we are doing.  It only makes them feel superior that they scammed yet another bright soul and leaves us feeling like we have been well and truly slimed by the most vile marrow ever to have been known to exist.  THAT is not acceptable to me.  Life is too short to not live in the brilliance of the sun and the warmth of shadows.




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