Excessive snarkiness ahead..You’ve been warned

I have been in freaking snark mood all day.  I got up that way..New moon energy?  maybe..I have a definite working to do later…the edginess will be helpful.  What bugs me today is all the aftermath of the hurricane.  Some people were crowing about how silly people were to evacuate(it wasnt..better safe than sorry if you don’t know what to expect)..A county in Central Va  is opening up their county fair on generator power FFS even though their schools and municipal buildings will still be closed tomorrow because of the water and damage to be cleared away.  yeah, that so totally made sense to me.  There was more for me to be snarky about… A friend asked a legitimate question on a group page and of course it always attracts the intellectually challenged who insists on being cute and answering in the fluffiest of manner…which draws the ire of those(like me)who took the time to answer honestly.  I detest that…THEN I manage to finally find a real difference in couple pages that I check out on hoodoo, voodoo…One seems to be a lightening rod for those who cannot practice..surely they don’t..because their questions as well as their postings are no better than the fluff that come onto the pagan pages.  I mean one asks the purpose of cemetery work, which from all I have read, been taught is a staple in workings that others use in their houses.  Yet another wants to know why one would DARE to bury something with their family plots..because it is sacrilegious…Oh really…I’m shaking my head.  I guess I should not be surprised because in truth the group page is to advertise the magazine and shop for the owner..was their intent..and I can respect that..And yet, it appears to be no moderation from people of substance to correct some of the backwards thinking. On the other page, this very subject was also broached and the owner was present and paid attention to the answers given.  A big difference and I came away feeling interested enough to go back and read more on other things.  My problem with the first group is that one who was most vocal, actually “teaches” online as well as holds workshops…cartomancy(tarot divination), etc…and yet seems to not have a grasp of what hoodoo encompasses even though her picture on profile shows her dressed as mambo.  I don’t know her credentials..do not even care to…she has shown herself to be ignorant of the path on which she claims to walk.  I’m always amazed at people who lay claim to labels and then proceed to open their mouths and remove all doubt as to their veracity.  Far too often like on any other path, people see a way to make a few dollars, and proceed to do so.   But to those who feel it is their responsibility to protect those in their houses from false teachings as well as those who come seeking from being led astray by fluff that can get one killed, it makes them angry.  And rightfully so. I know a little about several paths and their practices..some of those even intertwine because of some of the ingredients I use..but would NEVER presume to teach someone else about what is and is not acceptable practice according to that paths  practices.  I do however have a good bunch of knowledgeable people from whom to ask if  I do need to ask a question..Now that is almost enough to chase away the snarks…almost….For pity’s sake people..THINK before opening your mouths…give some respect to those who practice things daily..it isn’t just their spirituality..it’s a way of life  for many.  And FFS…do some damn research!  would it kill you to look things up sometimes? Damn..I might actually feel better,lol…







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