Why do you seek?

I’ve been speaking with some about paths, which in itself can be a touchy thing because we all have different opinions on it.  Here is what I feel.  We all have a destination..have to have because the journey we are on is life.  Some feel the need to be initiated and be in a setting where they are connected with like minded people following the same direction.  This isn’t always a pagan thing..I consider joining a church in much the same light.  The “initiation” is what is required to join the church be it baptism, letter, but still joining with like minded people going in the same direction.  Some of us like to go on our own way, in a more solitary manner, studying, seeking and sometimes joining up with others to discuss things .  Either way is acceptable to me.  It depends upon the person and how they approach their path.  But my question is for those seeking..what is it you seek?  What do you want out of a spiritual path that calls you?  Is it that mainstream faiths don’t give you solace in your life?  Is that why you follow a pagan path?  I know some seek things out because they want to rebel against societal faiths(those would be Abrahamic faiths), or do you really feel a connectedness to the universe. My take is, after walking a somewhat christian path for a time, is that my soul is freer than at any time I can remember ..I always felt that connection to earth and center..and while fitting in with those around me, I lost part of myself.  But that is my reason for seeking..and its a daily process. Sometimes people use the path as a way of finding themselves, through learning more of where their ancestors are from and connecting that way..still others pull out a book, see something that piques their interest and goes that route.  I don’t have a set answer as to which way is correct…as I said, its a personal thing.  What I do know is that one book does not a path make.  Not one link, not one answer..it takes a collective layering of information, practice and seeking to help develop that path..any path.  One needs to be proactive in maintaining the information you take in and verify that its accurate and applies to you.  Some people don’t seem to grasp that concept.  They expect to get spoonfed all the info without taking the time to digest it and take in what they really need and discarding the rest.   They also don’t always check out where they get that info, and that is just amazing to me.  Why when this is supposed to be about something so significant in your life(and if its not..why not?)would you not check out what you’re hearing or learning?  I ask this on all paths, because pagans are not the only ones who tend to sit and stay silent while people throw things out and it makes no sense sometimes.  I’ve seen people sit on church pews and listen to someone espouse hate and bigotry in the name of god and people swallow it up without comment.  Pagans are the same. Because people are people, no matter our paths.  If we are involved with a group, and there is a set leader, then majority of the time, people do not question what is said..don’t even call them on the bullshit even when one knows its bullshit.  I’ve seen it on several pagan boards, and yet people sit still and let the asshats run their mouths.  I don’t get that.  Maybe its because I have control issues..don’t get me started on that one,lol…or maybe it’s because I have worked so hard to appreciate the woman I have become and what works for me.  I don’t know…All I do in fact know is that I cannot sit by and listen to bullshit.  I’m pretty careful friending those who have knowledge..sometimes appearances aren’t all they seem to be..so I get to know others before I join groups…It wasn’t always that way..back in the day, I was like a lot of new seeker, and joined a group looking for knowledge..was mostly a waste of time.  So I stopped going to the groups..started reading and doing research for myself.  In the long run, it helped me grow as a person, and on my path, because I found that just because there are books out there..not all authors are on the same level.  I’ve come to recognize enough to know which ones to avoid, been lucky enough to make new friends who offer links, book recommendations and that I have learned enough about myself that I can tune out the bullshit.  That might be beneficial to ones who come seeking.  Ask yourself why it is you find yourself where you are..what you hope to obtain and where you want to go.  Because in the long run, you will then find out who you are and are destined to become.

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