Mired in the bog of ignorance

Ever notice how some people seem to be so full of themselves that it seems as if they are stuck in a bog of ignorance.  It matters not that others correct them, offer better insight into the conversation, but because they are so stuck on themselves, they will not listen.   So with their air of supposed superiority, they waltz around spouting all sorts of drivel.  It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about, they have an opinion and its right dammit.  Just ask them. Now many of us as we start out on our path’s journeys, are more than a little green.  We like the shinies, all the trappings, and hoopla, but eventually we either get shown truth by our guides, find a nugget in a tome somewhere or someone smacks us upside the head and tells us to wake up and taste the rum!  So we move past where we first placed our foot on the path and move forward, tweaking, and learning until our path represents who we are. That is called a learning process, one forged through hard work, much soul searching and conversations with those who would guide us.  And still as we look back, we see those who refuse to move past where they began.  Content on standing  knee deep, mired in a bog of shit that serves noone, least of all them.  One has to wonder why they stand there.  Is it because they are afraid to admit to themselves that what they think they know is totes carp and they might have been wrong on more than one front? Is it because they are so caught up in that love and light/healing shit tossed by every witch come lately that they refuse to admit to the need for balance in the universe?  Is it because they refuse to admit that taking a good look in the mirror and accepting who they are is more than a little required for becoming who they are destined to be?

To be honest those type of people that are mired down more than a little frustrate me.  Maybe its the shit they toss out about energy and healing  .  Pulling energy from the air is all well and good, but what do you do with the excess and how are you manipulating it?  Just how do they plan on healing the world?  Whatever you put out has to be in balance, so if you are removing negative, where are you putting it? It always boggles my mind at the narrow thinking of some of these people.  I could rant til I was blue in the face, but it makes no difference.  They are content to hang where they are.  Standing in that mucked river bed, mired in their own arrogance and ignorance.  Unfortunately they cannot see behind them as the waves are starting to form anew and make their way down the bed itself. Hope they can swim stuck on the bottom…Ya’ll reckon they can suck air through a reed on the bank?

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