Now wait a damn minute!

Ok, I guess I’ve mentioned the control issues once or twice?  Yeah..well, those who know me well, or read here on a regular basis know how tightened down I keep my security.  It comes from a lot of things, but mostly the need for protection.  The need for self-preservation.  I only allow a few through that web, to know what secrets lie there.  So on Facebook, I tend to keep my page buttoned down as tight as their security will allow.  mainly because living in a small town, I don’t feel the need to have everyone who knows me(and there are quite a few)know all that I do or whom I associate with.  Occasionally I will  accept a request from a friend for games or something, but that happens infrequently.  So…I commented on a friend’s I know pretty well personally, have worked with her, been to her home and she has done the same.  Then I get a friend request from someone I don’t know.  I ask my friend who he is.  She laughs explains he’s just a friend, plays some games, good guy, I should add him.  I think, ok, we’ll try it.  I add him.  JEBUS!!! Up he pops in my chat window to wish me happy new year! Seriously..I wasn’t expecting him to speak to me..not that I have anything against talking to people on there, but a mere seconds after the add, I get a chat window?  THIS is how I’m starting off my new year?  So I fix the chat ,and now I’m not available  so I can keep the interruptions and distractions down.  Today, another friend of mine gets a message from “Jebus” , asking her if her profile picture is one of Countess Bathory(some claim she was ultimate vampire), it’s not it’s something else, but what got me is that after adding me from a friend’s posting/list, he has moved on to one that I know is not on that list, but is on mine.  If ya’ll think I have control issues about myself, you have no idea how it gets with friends that I care about.  they are moved into the protective realm and I choose to not have them harassed , or annoyed by someone who has no sense of boundaries.  Seriously…what would it hurt to send a message with your request and say “hey, I saw you on so and so’s list/post and since I play the same app, would it be ok if I added you?” That would be polite and almost make me willing to say “yes”.  I guess maybe it’s because I’m little OCD, or maybe it’s because I was raised with some damn manners that all of this bothers me.  I don’t care how long you think you’ve known me, known anyone that knows me…you just can’t go around like a troll and collect people off my list. First of all, it’s more than a little rude, secondly, some of those people will eat your ass alive!  You have no idea about some of those people,lol.  I am about to cull my list again..and yeah Jebus will be one of those about to hit the bonfire.  Good riddance , Bon Chance and  Deuces Bitches!


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