Just one of those days

Have you ever run across people and wonder how they ever get through life without having someone wipe their ass for them?  You know the ones I mean..they are the ones that wander around letting others make decisions for them or others and just going with the flow without giving any thought as to what they are doing.  Those people I call “sheeple”…They follow the leader, nose upon the ass of the one in front and just follow  the smell of  bullshit.  I heard of a couple who were convicted of murder(not sure what degree..but does it really matter?)..They had a sick child and because of their religious affiliation and that the husband is the head of the house, let this poor baby die because they chose to pray for it instead of seeking medical attention.  Now I have no problem with prayer or asking god for help….but omg people! Did he not also give you a brain? Even natural herbs would have been more beneficial than just doing nothing but praying.  And for the mother..I have contempt…She carried this child under her heart, went through hell to bring him into this world and because some “man”(her husband) decreed that he is in charge of all things under their roof that even if she wanted to, she did not go against him even though it meant that her child died.  Now ya’ll know I have control issues..built on things from my past that decrees that NO man will EVER tell me what I can and cannot do, especially with a child I brought into this world…NOT happening.  People like these pervert the word of god to do as they choose.  They pick and choose which rules to follow…they seem to skip over the ones that tell them to have compassion and act like a damn human being.  Then there are those that no matter the path/faith they are in..seem to not be able to think things out for themselves.  The Lwa aren’t happy with you because of neglect?  Oh..what to do..what to do?  Why go ask a dozen people of course and take NONE of the advice…come up with half dozen excuses as to why you can’t do any of the things suggested.  FFS!  Why ask?  You obviously at some point made a commitment in your faith and for various reasons, have walked away.  Yet those you made a decision to work with are a little confused as to what the problem is and would like you to do as you promised.  Dialog would be helpful..but like a frightened child they run here and there with the “sky is falling” syndrome like chicken little, getting nothing accomplished but attention as some would stroke their head, hold their hand and say “poor baby”..I say fuck that…get your act together and decide exactly what your path is and how you are going to walk it.  Stop listening to everybody else and do what is required to grow on that path..whatever it is.  Those who seem to think that every personal “crisis” needs to be dealt with by others because they simply cannot understand how to do so are also another personal peeve, and today I’m gonna pet it…What.  the.  hell. is. your .problem? Are you 2?!? Do you still need mommy or daddy to stand in front of you with the fly swatter and swing at the world?  Grow the hell up! Someone stalking you on FB..report/block their ass..simple solution.  Family drama?  Stay out of it if you can’t be part of the solution.  If it concerns you why not check and see where you can back off, take a deep breath and decide how you can reduce the friction..not that I’m an expert, but sometimes one just has to say “fuck it” and walk away.  Then there are those people who seem to revel in telling ALL the personal details of their lives.  Did I fucking ASK?   No?  Then why are you still talking? I have no desire to know whom is sleeping with whom (or isn’t)…why you hate whomever it is you hate, how much money you do or do not have…It’s none of my business…STFU.  And those people who seem to not understand personal hygiene for whatever reason….give the rest of us a damn break!  If you smoke..you reek..fact of life to those of us who do not smoke.  For those of us with breathing disorders such as asthma or COPD, the ashtray that you call your mouth can cause our lungs to spasm and our stomachs want to turn itself inside out.  Even your clothes smell…For your own personal health and the rest of us who have to be exposed to your vice….STOP!  I’m sure your lungs will thank you for it,as do the rest of us.  And for those who cannot seem to drive down the road without talking on the cell phone, texting, putting on make up, or just being a looky-loo in general…FYI..You are in a car..hello!  hang up and drive..It’s the skinny little pedal on the right..Use it…Oh and use the turn signals once in awhile..the vehicle comes equipped with them, doesn’t take much to click the lever..really…would make life much easier for the rest of us who have to follow your ass down the highway.  Whew!  I feel so much better now that I’ve vented…sometimes one just has to let it all out or it explodes , sometimes covering people who happen to get in the way.. Maybe tomorrow will be better…keeping positive thoughts :).



Con artists, posers, and other sundry

In our day to day , we often meet all sorts of people.  Some are intelligent, sincere, entertaining, and then you get the other end of the spectrum…the ignorant asshats, the boores, the ones who are con artist supreme and posers.  Those are the ones who drag our spirit down.  We see them everywhere..in groups we connect with, in our jobs, hell, even in our families at times.  You know immediately who they are.  They sweep in with some sort of air of authority as if to say, “look at me..I’m so awesome, and know it all”..while in reality, they are putting on an act.  The information they know, what little they do actually know is gleaned from sites online, other people and maybe a book or two.  They sometimes attach a label to themselves, because after all, their conceit knows no boundaries.  They add titles they have no business claiming, like High Priestess, Mambo, Druid and the like and in reality,they did not earn them, nor should they possess them.  Those titles are reserved for people who are leaders in the community..the ones who  teach, guide and lead others that would follow their instruction.  And yet we have those who con others into thinking that they know a great deal, when they usually are skimming their info from others around them.  We’ve all seen them…they swagger into groups and spout off  a few things, and then act as if all are to believe them.  It’s only when we sit back  and observe them, do we realize that they know little.   I mean why would claim to converse with spirits and yet have no working knowledge of tools one might use or intent…Just what DOES  one do with a called entity and have no purpose?  Sit around and shoot the breeze? I hardly think so.  And yet, they still reel off “knowledge” hoping that nobody is catching on that they are the ones “borrowing” from others.  There are the ones who steal- aka copy/paste from other sites into group places.  It’s great to want to share information..I can get behind that.  But if one does not give credit to those who chose to put it out their in the first place.  It is still stealing.  Why do they do this?  It’s an attention seeking thing.  They have little to offer themselves  in the way of actual knowledge and workings, so they gather those snippets of wealth from someplace online and post them for others to see, in the hopes that someone gives them an “attaboy” and holds them up as an example to follow.  Then there are those who come in , chat some, and slide off the rails seeking some hand holding, and then in the middle of it all, claim to be attacked psychically and victimized.  Again..seeking attention from those around them.  I really can’t understand why people such as these feel the need to do these things.  Are they that insecure in themselves that they constantly need to feed off others hard work and sometimes hard knocks in learning those lessons? Are they really so ignorant in their belief system that they constantly have to ask the basic of questions? And why the need to try and pretend that they know anything and yet when they open their mouth they show they know jack!  Perhaps they have some deep seated need to be considered “elite”..cream of the crop.  Is there something wrong with just being ones self?  However flawed that may be.  I don’t claim to be an expert by any means in any given path, but know a little something about the one I have carved out for myself.  There are aspects of others paths that I can converse on and be intelligent enough to hold a conversation on, but I recognize my limitations.   It’s why  I go into other groups actually..for the sharing of knowledge as well as to learn from others.  But hardly an expert..to me that implies that I might actually know something..yeah can hear my guides laughing at that one.  I have much to learn.  So what can we do when we run into these type of people, for they exist in every aspect of our lives…for one we can call them on the bullshit..tactfully(I try ya know,lol)…and if that isn’t possible for fear of upsetting the status quo of a group or job site…then choose to disassociate with the person in question.  We don’t share what we know with them, and are direct in our interaction to the point of being blunt.  Yeah I know that many of you that have gotten to know me well know that my honesty is usually of that variety, but hey, it’s only way I know how to roll~smiles~.  We are not subject to having these people in our lives you know.  We can exclude them.  So as we meander through this course of life and we come across these bottom feeders, for that is what they truly are, we should learn to recognize them for who and what they are and make no attempt to engage them or involve them in anything we are doing.  It only makes them feel superior that they scammed yet another bright soul and leaves us feeling like we have been well and truly slimed by the most vile marrow ever to have been known to exist.  THAT is not acceptable to me.  Life is too short to not live in the brilliance of the sun and the warmth of shadows.




So…what does that mirror reflect?

I’ve hear it said many times that we often dislike or rag on things in other people that are a reflection of ourselves.  Now that isn’t always the case for the most part, but its accurate once in awhile.  But on the outside looking in, we often see people who want to blame everything on something else.  Bad dreams, abusive behaviour..well they obviously are being attacked psychically by some malevolent person intent on doing harm.  what if, and I’m going out on a limb here..just what if, the problems they are experiencing are caused by anger management issues, drugs, alcohol,  job or family issues.  Those also cause sleep issues and will definitely play host to domestic violence issues.  So really…is not this a case of looking to place blame for the problems at hand on someone or something else?  I think too often that we as human beings want to lay blame for all the ills on things rather than take credit for the problems ourselves.  Just as magic cannot solve all problems, it also is NOT the root of all problems.  Before using it to solve an issue or lay blame on it for an issue, why not look at the situation from all angles and see where you may have played a part in causing the problem or where you can take a part in helping diffuse the issue.  I’m tired of it being Left Hand Path vs Right Hand Path, good vs evil.. it’s all perception and one needs the balance…Stop trying to take the safe way out…it doesn’t work!   I’ve also seen some in other paths claim that for all the tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought etc…”god” is punishing us…FFS!   Wake up..pick up a science book and look at the cycles of nature.  We as humans have had the greatest footprint upon the earth and every time in our arrogance we think we can tweak it and make it “better” we fuck it up- royally.  So now when it seems that nature has it in for us, its just a little payback for our interference..remember that.  We brought it on ourselves.  The flooding problems were caused by the rains sure..but man in building the floodgates to control where a river has flowed for hundreds of years had a major impact on that as well.  Nobody likes to be told that we did this to ourselves..But hey…its truth and sometimes we have to hear it anyway.  God is not punishing people for not saying prayers in school, or anywhere else, he says you can do so privately in any manner you choose, anywhere you choose…nobody changed that.  He isn’t being harsh because one decided that to walk a christian path doesn’t work for you..he says work out your own path..whatever that may be.  So why is it that people feel the need to lay the blame on someone or something else rather than take personal responsibility?  Maybe we’re wired that way as humans..learn it early when we think we’re going to get into trouble for doing what we were told not to do.  Or maybe its a personality flaw.  I don’t have the answer.  I do know that I am a big proponent of personal responsibility.  If by chance there is something going on, take a look in the mirror and see if its not something you are doing, something you caused, …in other words…your fault.  Then see what can be done to fix it..don’t go whining to others and hope that they feel sorry for you, will hold your hand and say “poor baby, let me make this all go away for you”.  That’s childish bullshit..yeah..I call BULLSHIT! Get up on your feet and act like an adult…handle your own business!  that’s what adults do…we live in the real world, work hard, pay taxes and try to do the best we can each and every day…That is how life works.  It doesn’t revolve around us or our petty issues.  We don’t always get it right or have all the answers, but we also don’t expect someone else to come in like the cavalry every time we screw up.  And if by chance this writing hits a nerve somewhere and you feel the need to ask yet again if it’s about you…check your mirror…it might just be ~shrugs~



Excessive snarkiness ahead..You’ve been warned

I have been in freaking snark mood all day.  I got up that way..New moon energy?  maybe..I have a definite working to do later…the edginess will be helpful.  What bugs me today is all the aftermath of the hurricane.  Some people were crowing about how silly people were to evacuate(it wasnt..better safe than sorry if you don’t know what to expect)..A county in Central Va  is opening up their county fair on generator power FFS even though their schools and municipal buildings will still be closed tomorrow because of the water and damage to be cleared away.  yeah, that so totally made sense to me.  There was more for me to be snarky about… A friend asked a legitimate question on a group page and of course it always attracts the intellectually challenged who insists on being cute and answering in the fluffiest of manner…which draws the ire of those(like me)who took the time to answer honestly.  I detest that…THEN I manage to finally find a real difference in couple pages that I check out on hoodoo, voodoo…One seems to be a lightening rod for those who cannot practice..surely they don’t..because their questions as well as their postings are no better than the fluff that come onto the pagan pages.  I mean one asks the purpose of cemetery work, which from all I have read, been taught is a staple in workings that others use in their houses.  Yet another wants to know why one would DARE to bury something with their family plots..because it is sacrilegious…Oh really…I’m shaking my head.  I guess I should not be surprised because in truth the group page is to advertise the magazine and shop for the owner..was their intent..and I can respect that..And yet, it appears to be no moderation from people of substance to correct some of the backwards thinking. On the other page, this very subject was also broached and the owner was present and paid attention to the answers given.  A big difference and I came away feeling interested enough to go back and read more on other things.  My problem with the first group is that one who was most vocal, actually “teaches” online as well as holds workshops…cartomancy(tarot divination), etc…and yet seems to not have a grasp of what hoodoo encompasses even though her picture on profile shows her dressed as mambo.  I don’t know her credentials..do not even care to…she has shown herself to be ignorant of the path on which she claims to walk.  I’m always amazed at people who lay claim to labels and then proceed to open their mouths and remove all doubt as to their veracity.  Far too often like on any other path, people see a way to make a few dollars, and proceed to do so.   But to those who feel it is their responsibility to protect those in their houses from false teachings as well as those who come seeking from being led astray by fluff that can get one killed, it makes them angry.  And rightfully so. I know a little about several paths and their practices..some of those even intertwine because of some of the ingredients I use..but would NEVER presume to teach someone else about what is and is not acceptable practice according to that paths  practices.  I do however have a good bunch of knowledgeable people from whom to ask if  I do need to ask a question..Now that is almost enough to chase away the snarks…almost….For pity’s sake people..THINK before opening your mouths…give some respect to those who practice things daily..it isn’t just their spirituality..it’s a way of life  for many.  And FFS…do some damn research!  would it kill you to look things up sometimes? Damn..I might actually feel better,lol…







I am not here to hold your hand

Ok, I am more than a little  perturbed.    I am in and amongst several pagan pages all the time, and sometimes see people ask questions about certain things.  I have no problem answering questions if I happen to know anything on the subject, nor do I have problem with speaking on details of my path with those who don’t understand.  What I have problem with is those people who will not, for whatever reason, pick up a book, or read online anything about said subject before asking a question.  FFS even wikipedia could give them a general sense of understanding.  But no..they want someone to hold their hand and spoonfeed the info into their little world and do it all for them.  What part of YOUR path does not compute?  And then there are the asshats who take offense because you are not willing to just hand over your hard-won, pearls of wisdom with thought of what you had to go through to earn the wisdom you have gained.  I just don’t fucking think so.  I earned what I have dammit…my guides have gone to great lengths to make me aware of all that I have need of..it’s a daily learning process.  one that takes a lifetime, I might add.  So what gives others the right to expect me to just hand it over because someone asked?  For people to be inquiring about elementals, watch towers and such, they have no basic idea of what they are doing, so opening a few books other than fiction would be extremely helpful.  Otherwise they will sincerely get their ass kicked by things they wish they had not called to them.  For those who wish to toss semi-curses at people who are not” helpful

” i wish you both a safe travel through life. and also hope that when you need help and dont know where to turn that someone helps you without being a douche for lack of a better word.”

I sincerely hope that you protect yourself well…I have no desire to help fluff who will not help themselves nor do I take lightly asshats who sling words without knowing the repercussions….See?  i am not Wiccan, do not bide by any rede.. and my personal code of ethics say I leave them breathing..although am thinking that is evolving to something else~smiles~

So the next time people want to know something..ask away, but try and do so in a responsible manner because i am tired of the bullshit and the fluff..it’s just giving me cotton mouth and I might decide I need a drink after i take off your head.





In support of freedoms

Yesterday a friend sent me an invite to the “paint your toenails pink” event happening on Sunday.  I usually paint my toes, and while pink isn’t my usual color, I accepted.  Why?  I know some who say, “putting cartoons in support of children of abuse, or painting nails etc, doesn’t cure anything”..They are exactly right.  But it does show empathy and support.  And for those who have catastrophic illnesses or chronic illnesses, the fact that anyone who would show support and solidarity even in a small gesture, for a total stranger  can sometimes make a rough day a little brighter.  and who isn’t for positivity right?  But one comment made on the page made me sit up and wonder about things.  The person commented:”you know you just invited a lesbian to this event”.  My comment was “why the comment about sexuality had anything to with the event”..it was poor attempt at humor they said.  Ummm..yeah..extremely poor attempt. I mean seriously..she is a woman, and has to know that the majority of cases of breast cancer are women, so who cares about her sexuality?  The reason I feel this way is all the hang ups about sexuality.  Too often people want to cling to a christian perspective and hit people over the head with the “IT’S AN ABOMINATION” verses.  This from people, some of them who would rarely darken a church door except on holidays.  It’s that way here in Mississippi…The holier than thous are alive and well.  Just last year a girl in a school down the road was banned from attending prom with her girlfriend…She sued and won..The school district violated her civil rights in how she was treated.  Still people spewed their rhetoric.  Schools here have no clear separation of church and state.  Many classes start the day with prayer, (have no issue with that if one is allowed to do so privately in the manner that they wish), teachers speak their personal religious beliefs openly(have no issue with that either unless they are trying to convert some impressionable child)..and invite kids to happenings at their personal place of worship.  It is assumed that people are christian, and straight.  Too often when it is found that someone is gay, they are harassed and bullied by others and the adults in charge look the other way because they too feel it is wrong.  It is wrong to deny any other human being the right to live as they choose, to worship as they feel.  And it’s against the law.

The military is now doing away with their policy and everyone is making a big deal about it..here is what I know about such a policy…It didn’t work.  People who were deemed to be gay (by other mindless fucks) often were hit with blanket parties and other harsh penalties , making their life unbearable at times.  And yet, those who served, did so with honor and pride at making a difference in the world.  Many of the people are asking..well what about communal showers in the barracks, and “they” look at me…How fucking stupid can some people be? They are already serving with these people who keep their personal lives to themselves and living with them, etc, and yet haven’t attacked their ass yet have they?  And as for going to war with them..some of them may have even saved a life or two.  I put this all down to ignorance, mainly because I see the resemblance to some of the Jim Crow laws about blacks(I’m going to speak from a southern perspective here because that is where I live and know first hand some of the ridiculousness of such laws).  Some of these were enacted, because white people thought of blacks as less than human.,  they did not matter..black men could not look at a white woman because it would “‘inflame his ardor and he would rape her'”.  Bullshit! A man is a man no matter his color, and if he were already a rapist, it would not matter if he were orange.  They couldn’t drink out of the same water fountains or use same bathrooms for fear of disease.  All based upon ignorance.  Luckily, majority of these have long since passed,but the ignorance has not totally abated, because there will always be some who choose to keep it alive.   And so it is with people’s sexuality.  People are treated as if they have some disease or one can catch being gay from someone.  It is better in some areas than others, but still one can see the ignorance that abounds.  One woman running for president is connected to a group about “praying away the gay”..WTF…does she not think that god, any god would love someone for who they are?  It is nature..study your science..happens even in the wilds of the jungles…people are born that way(love Gaga’s song ).  I saw a bumper sticker that made me laugh because it said”If you have a problem with gay people, blame it on the heterosexual couples who keep making gay babies”.  I’m all for equal rights for people, including marriage, which I am happy to see is becoming a reality in several places(now if the rest of the country will get their collective asses together, we might have a peaceful way of living).  In New York, a couple who had lived together for over 20 years were the first couple to marry.  It was sweet to see the picture, of one woman in a wheelchair, her partner pushing her..Imagine, they made a commitment to one another that is hard to equal even in a heterosexual setting.  And their joy at being able to be legal, to speak for one another in personal matters such as hospitals, insurance and the other mundane things that we often take for granted was shown upon their faces.  I wish them much joy.  I almost puked in my mouth though that same day as I saw someone who is running for governor here in Ms, that has an ad of him reading a pretend book to a very young child about how “I believe such and such.”I zoned him out until he reached the part of “I believe that marriage is one man and one woman” Oh my Jebbus…seriously?  I hate when people try and trot out their rhetorical version of christianity to win votes..Marriage, by definition is simply a social union or legal contract in which to denote kinship.  It provided legal protection for women(who back in the day were treated as chattel), and it wasn’t until the Church got involved that it even began to have a religious connotation.   So why would people  keep showing their ignorance about such issues?  Well for one, it garners them votes from such like-minded people as themselves, Two, it sounds good on the sound bites on television, and Three, they are just ignorant enough to believe the shit that comes out of their mouths.

And then there are the ones who hate everybody outside of the ones who believe like themselves.  Everyone is wrong, they are right and you will go to hell if you do not shape up and get with the program.  I was reading on The wild Hunt the other day about such a group.  They are intent on everyone believeing as they do because essentially the world is going to hell in a handbasket and they can stop it with their “spiritual warfare”.  Here  is a link to show you what I mean:  http://www.patheos.com/blogs/wildhunt/2011/07/what-spiritual-warfare-looks-like.html

Unfortunately, this group has been having a major influence on politics.  The governor of Texas, Rick Perry is a major player of “The Response” a huge prayer /religious thing that will be happening there soon , taking part himself, and inviting other christian people..no other faith need apply.  Why the concern?  If we are not concerned enough to speak up against a group that has money, collects political power, and is very vocal in their policies, then we will be no better off as pagans, than the Jews were in the holocaust against Hitler.  We have laws on the books, yet do not force the issue against discrimination, bullying, hate crimes because somehow we think if we ignore most of it, it will go away.  Wrong..on many levels.  If one allows a bully to take over and have what they want..it continues, only growing stronger and bigger.  By not speaking up against the ignorance we see displayed against any group, we are saying that we are in acquiescence with our silence.  We agree with the train of thought with the bully….that is how dictators are born.  They are so vocal, hateful and brutal in their take overs, that people are silent out of fear for themselves, never realizing that together as a group, they hold the power of change.  It’s time for people to speak up for those who can’t…take charge of their lives and be bold in the living of it..if you don’t it’s just existing…and demand that respect be shown for ALL people regardless if you agree with their views or not and stop all the ignorant rhetoric. We are ONE race…..HUMAN…now go out and act like it.

Sign? what Fucking sign?

You ever get the feeling people travel through life oblivious to all that happens around them? I was watching a show tonight where the husband posted signs all over the house explaining in detail what the wife was supposed to do…umm yeah..I’d kick his ass and not need instructions, but then that’s just me.  But truthfully, we have signs everywhere telling us what to do, what not to do and where to go..this is where I tell my smart ass friends..I don’t need their advice there..but I digress,lol.  People look for signs in their paths as well ..something tangible to prove to them that they are going in the right direction.  They want, no NEED someone or something to say”yes, honey..this is it..your one true calling”…Child Pleeze!!! Seek for yourself…pay attention to things and people coming into your life…One doen’t need others to point out signs, and if you feel you do..seek therapy.

Ridiculously sublime

By now everyone has heard the disturbing verdict of Casey Anthony being found not guilty in Florida.  Everyone has been lighting candles, leaving porch lights on etc in honoring Caylee.  While that’s fine…excuse me while I do not.  It’s not that I don’t care..I do..I mean seriously..my thought is how 12 jurors could find her not guilty on child endangerment for not knowing where her child was for over a month is beyond me..never mind that the prosecution dropped the ball on physical evidence on autopsy as well as connecting Casey to the murdered child.  Anyway..I dont plan on ranting on FB(other than this blog), or reposting ad nauseum tributes to the sweet baby who never got the chance to experience life.  The reason?  Simple really…This case was so blown out of proportion.  Casey was given celebrity status much like OJ(who also got off if you remember), and I was a little confused by that.   It’s because things like this happen every day to our children, all across the world.  Children are kidnapped, murdered and violated by strangers, family members and parents.  It happens far too often unfortunately.  So why all the big to-do over this case?  I didnt get it.She was a person of unreknown, someone who  should have never had a child(imho), because she wasnt ready for it…so why?  People all over are reacting..even Kim Kardashian, who’s own father was on the famed defense team of OJ that got him off on a double murder…I’ve seen pages on FB offering free gift cards in her honor(facecrooks asks you report that page..its morbid and a scam), people reposting “letter from heaven..Caylee to her mom”…Sorry..but those really disturb me. First of all..Casey is a sociopath, incapable of feeling sorry for anything or anyone but herself.  The letter would not move her.  Secondly, to insinuate this child would send such a letter is defaming the dead.  I have pretty specific ideas as to how they are to be treated, and this is not it.  One really wants to honor this child?  Give to your local  children’s charity in her name, volunteer to read to kids at the local library, do “something” that benefits the children in YOUR area in her honor.  That makes more sense to me than what I have been seeing.  Oh..and btw..if you are fortunate to have children in your life, hug them and tell them everyday that you love them.  they need to know that their world is secure and is filled with people who love them unconditionally.


Peace Out.

So shut up already!

I was reading a post from someone who wanted to tell her pitiful life story so as to give “hope and encouragement” to others. Yet, she kept on repeating that she had been up last couple nights writing, and that she has Asperger’s..which was her way to explain rudeness. Her topic of the book? How as someone with a disability has such a rough life and that “poor, pitiful” her made it through. Give me a break! She was still in victim mode. She wanted someone to buy her book because poor her needed to be able to share her experience and yet make a few bucks off of it. Sounds like she needs some time on a shrinks couch somewhere. I am sick of people who always want to take the victim’s role in life. You had a hard time…ok…So did others. and yet they made it through. There are people who grew up with an alcoholic father, schizophrenic mother, life of physical and emotional abuse..and yet they are still standing , being productive individuals. There are people who grew up in the projects and pulled themselves out of there and are some of the biggest movers and shakers to be seen in the world..they didn’t resort to becoming a thug, taking the easy way out, becoming a hardship on that single mother who raised them. There are people with disabilities such as the girl in question, and those with more severe problems, yet they persevere. Why is it that one always to cry “woe is me” instead of moving forward? I could have commended the woman in question for being brave enough to tell her story, if it had not been for her rudeness or her victim attitude as if nobody else had ever experienced what she’s been through. It all comes down to perspective I guess. We each look at our experiences from a personal view, so sometimes we do get discouraged. But to constantly stand and wail and rant at the universe because things are so “hard” and life isn’t fair..I don’t have time or patience for that.Yep, I could whine about things in my life..but personally I don’t like to share things like how I am feeling with others…it’s a habit. I write in a personal journal if I really have to let it out, but then I suck it up and do what has to be done. It’s called being self-reliant. There are times when I do need to talk, and I have a couple of extremely good friends who will listen when I get like that..but it’s not often..usually when I’m being hammered from several sides at once. But life is a journey..filled with lessons even in the midst of the hard times. and one cannot take the victim role and expect to have any kind of productive life…you leave all your gifts by the wayside. So even if today has been difficult..find the positive..you’re alive to make mistakes, feel the sunshine and the rain. Challenge yourself to see past the here and now of what is going on. Stop raining on others with the poor me mentality that is your life. suck it up cupcake..the universe would appreciate it.

Proof Dammit!

I’ve been reading a lot lately on other pages. Oddly enough when one asks for verification, people get all spazzed out. wonder why that is? Is it because they are only going on their UPG(unverified personal gnosis)or truly are that ignorant. i’m going with the latter because I have seen some of their other postings that ya’ll havent been privy to,lol. Anyway, one posting was on karma and does one believe..(I dont btw), and someone invariably posed about the 3-fold law. It always comes into a thread..ANY thread..karma, the rede and the 3 fold law. Now I am not Wiccan..the rede does not apply to me, and the 3 fold law is made up shit. I said as much on a page, and said that I actually had a link where Doreen Valiente said as much. Enters Fluffy Asshat: well, why don’t you post it then….So I did. What? I hear silence? Where is this asshat’s balls now? I’ve seen his lame t-shirts with the inflammatory slogans against xtians (yet he claims to be persecuted? Child Puhleeze)..I’ve also read his crappy rhetoric on the threads in various pages. Does he not want to acknowledge proof? Does he not have anything remotely intelligent to say? not bloody likely, because he is a fluffy asshat, content to spew his crap and make those less knowledgeable accept it as truth. Well, not this witch. I demand proof dammit!