I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately, and of course convos from various places always makes me do so, which in itself is a good thing. So some of the conversations have been about magic, tools and how one uses them. I know what I do for myself personally, and while it works for me, it doesn’t apply to other paths.
So…where is the magic? It is within each of us, and abounds within, without the universe. Gaia embraces us within her warmth and connects us to her, to each other, with her energy. So why the need for tools? Basically, no need for tools at all. I’ve seen the books with the lists that many publish as “needing” to have on one’s altar for magical workings. Athame, cauldron, candle holders, bowls, stones, tarot cards, mirrors..the list is seemingly endless, and while they may have purpose, and be aesthetically pleasing to the eye..not necessary. One’s mind is the greatest tool one can use in working with energy..it can visualize anything you need, and essentially you become the best tool required-and I say that in the nicest possible way-~smiles~. So, why do we collect tools. Personally, I like the look of some of them, and how they feel as I hold them. For a long time, my athame was a dull knife with a wooden handle that I found at a yard sale somewhere..because I liked the feel of the wood in my hand. Now I have one my son gifted me that is shaped like a dragon who’s tongue is the blade. Very ornate, and while the gift is appreciated, my finger would have worked just as well. I’ve seen some pretty pricey tools made by others, and while I do not begrudge them from making some paper, one doesn’t need to go all fancy if you either cannot afford it or just don’t feel the need. It’s the same with any tool. I have several decks of tarot cards(I collect them I guess because I love the art, or they “call” to me)…One doesn’t need to spend a great deal on these either. I actually have a Rider-Waite deck that I got online somewhere that you print the cards out on card stock and color yourself..very cool infusion of personal energy, as well as cost efficient if one cannot afford to buy the deck. I did buy an actual deck though later on, but gave it away because really, it just did not interest me. I personally buy a deck that intrigues me, such as my Thoth deck, or amuses me like my deck of the dead(which has the major arcana as skeletons). I think that sometimes when one buys decks such as fantasy, dragons and the like, its because it interests them, and if one is interested from the outward appearance, then they may be inclined to learn to read with them a little more in-depth than using the little white booklet that comes with the cards. The deck of the dead is actually my personal deck because I always smile as I pull it out. It has the fool with his dog as a hitchhiker, and I am amused because it reminds me of my brother who used to travel that way when he was alive. If one is going to use actual tools, then I feel they should be consecrated for use. One can make your own ritual up, using herbs, water, salt, incense, candles of your choosing(I have my own personal recipe, but again, this is for your own use, so use what works for you). This sets your tools apart from anything else, and only for the magic. Some seem to feel that their tools are what makes the workings manifest, I beg to differ.. It is the practitioner’s intent that sends the working on its way, to be manipulated into whatever it is that we desire. We hold the magic within ourselves…we use it as we divine, cast spells, or work with our tools…or not… It is after all our choice as to how ornate we are going to be, if we set up an altar or not and what tools, ANY tool, we are going to use. It has to feel right to us when we collect them, to make them really feel as our own. That is what a personal path is supposed to be about after all, making it your own. So when looking around and taking stock of what you need, or might not need, make sure the tool feels right, fits your path and most of all speaks to what you want in your path. It’s not a “one size fits all” kind of world…even if some books say it is..listen to that voice within you and find your magic…it’s there inside.