Purpose? Just a matter of perspective

So my blog has been slacking since my forced vacation, and I find that I am behind on my rants etc.  So what is a witch to do?  Well get off her ass and write of course!

I’m on FB as is my usual and I am playing in the stalker feed which can be entertaining since I can follow friends postings in groups that I’m not in(and don’t want to join).  So as I’m reading, I see a posting from someone that asks people what their purpose in life is. There are many answers from being a good parent(honorable) to walking their path better(eh…~shrugs~), but the answer was apparently connected to “what are you passionate about”.  Umm..no.  IMHO, our passions change as we grow,age, experience life.  What we are passionate about at 5-not taking naps- we might learn to appreciate say about the age of 50.  What we love in our teens may not translate over into our adult years.  While we may still hold an appreciation for them, they are not our true purpose.  Did Mother Teresa always hold a purpose of helping the poor?  I don’t think so.  I think it grew as she did, seeing and experiencing life around her to the extent that she placed herself among them in order to further that true purpose.  What of Buddha?  Born of privilege, his path to enlightenment began as he surveyed life experiences around him.   His purpose ? Personal enlightenment.  His passions changed to a more self-centered personal one.  One can have passions about many things and while they are fulfilling, they may not be our true purpose in life.  Our goals change as we grow and experience life experiences.  Some may love art and seek to attain a greater experience with that.  So what is their purpose?  Is it to be commercial and make a living doing what they enjoy doing?  Is it to actually create something that is received favorably by others or is it simply to experience that feeling of nirvana that comes from the creative process? It could vary and still yet what if their purpose was simply to put that art out there that is to be experienced by someone else to gain an appreciation for the world at hand?

While it is true that it’s better to be passionate about what we do, sometimes what the universe has decreed to be our main purpose in life is totally different.  My guides give me definitive instructions.  They show me why I am here.  I don’t always listen much as a stubborn child, but I do know it’s not what I show to the world at large on a grand scale.  I am passionate about my family, their well being is of my concern on a daily basis and I make sure to keep in touch with them so that things run smoothly.  While they are a great part of my life, there is part of it that doesn’t concern them and has nothing to do with my main purpose.  It is centered around my spiritual self and that is personal.

I often wonder about those who claim to have  a lock on their “purpose”, because for me it’s a work in progress.  Simply posting “quotes in a bottle” here and yon for others to find a “nugget” that they feel applies to them in the moment does not mean you have found true purpose.  What it means is that you have found a way to connect to those seeking and while you personally have made a connection, the other person may not have found what it is they seek as purpose in their life.  I can’t tell people what their purpose is, but I think too often they have a tendency to limit their idea of what that is.  For me purpose has to fulfill EVERY aspect of one’s life, not just on one level, so if somewhere it’s not available in an area of your life, chances are, it’s just a passing passion and not true purpose.